Extra hour of daylight

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

This is my best time. The clocks go forward tonight. When it's not cold, certainly not hot yet, although reached 70F yesterday, and we get more daylight hours. I miss being back home because our days would sometimes linger on till 10pm and even later. It was lovely walking back from the pub in the balm of the evening slightly the worse for wear but happy!!! The scents of the night scented stocks used to follow us all the way home - what a fantastic and heady scent!!! I WILL grow them by the yard - this I promise!!

Yep, its great, our clocks went forward last saturday, its strange for a day or so, but you soon get used to it, its stays light while 10.45pm june 21, the longest day, we have about 20 hours of day light that day, then it plumets quickly.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Louisa!! It's spring I feel nostalgic about. Heaps of bluebells in the Kildale Woods. Wood anemones in the Lady Lothian and the scent of wild garlic. Getting ready for Dad to take us up to see my Auntie Greta at Easter. My Mum used to pack lots of bags with her home-made cakes in them. My Aunt lived in a village and used to grow her own vegetables and cook. Lentil soup. Home-made jam. Bread that tasted of bread. Beef that tasted of beef. The scents from her large walk-in larder. The lavendar at the back door. The smell of Pear's Soap in the bathroom. I've just been to get Easter cards. It still feels strange not sending one to my Aunt.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

It's all nostalgia to me too Diane and you conjure up the perfect picture. DH says that he loves the smell of my roast and yorkshire pudding on a Sunday, especially if he's in the garden. There's nothing like it. Alan, it gets dark about 9 pm here.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm planting bluebells Louisa!! Once the weather picks up a little. It seems to be colder here than at Alan's. I ordered bluebells by mail-order. They're for next year, rather than this. Think I'll dampen them a bit tomorrow if the weather's still unpleasant. Maybe I should get some lavendar as well.

Diane, if your bulbs are dry, drop them in a bowl of water overnight before you plant them, you might get a few this year then, its because they are dry that they take so long to recover.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I hope to plant Virginia bluebells in my wooded area with other woodland plants. I have been gathering info on this.

I have a load of bluebells, they are now starting to poke through, they were here when i came, they were in full sun against a south wall, they didnt like it, so i moved them into my shade garden two years ago, they like it there, they look great now, i hope they will this year too.

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Do either of you grow the Spanish bluebells?

Well i had an email today, my new pc should be here end of next week, so i will get some photos and post them for you, but not of me.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

And why not pray?

Wht not what ?.

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Cos i'm shy :), i dont want to spoil it for you all.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Well as soon as I get my photos unpacked I will post one of me, so it's only fair you post also and that goes for all the gang here. Watcha think guys?

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

I would hate to let you folks down...I would rather live in your minds eye on what I look like! Ha ha! Lisa

Ok, but no laughing.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey, its whats inside that counts and lingers. Looks fade, inevitably! :-)

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Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

looks sag, drop and go south....and what was north goes west...age, a nasty little thing, but better than the other option for sure!

Fade, mine got washed of in the rain, lol.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

It depends on how you determine lovely. I used to be vivacious rather than pretty. I am older than y'all and like I said looks fade :-) I have seen the photo of your daughter Patty, and if she is anything like you then you are very, very pretty!

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Yes, i saw it too, i wonder how many of us will actually post a self photo ?.

i have read your description Louisa, and you sounded like it too, some people never seem to change, others do overnight, i was one who went overnight, and it worked overtime on me too, lol.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I had mine cut yesterday. Mmm not to happy with it, but it grows so quickly that I'll give it another week to see how it settles down, otherwise I can always go back for free and Bill, my hairdresser, will chop off some more. Hey folks, I need to go get DH a sandwich. I'll be back later and check if you're still around. If not, I'll catch you tomorrow.

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