Please tell me..........

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I haven't missed Mothers Day!! I'm sure I have!! American Mothers Day is celebrated much later!! I managed to send a card to my mum last year and didn't miss it but oh, dear - think I might be late this time!!

Yes you have it was 3 weekends ago

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I knew it!! I think mum has accepted that she celebrates her day when the Americans do!! I still hate myself!!

I'm sure she knows you love her very much and at the end of the day that is all that matters to a Mum. Don't hate yourself! By doing so you cock a snook at those who love you.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

:/ Mother's day is here on the 2nd sunday of May...

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Baa maybe hate is too strong a word but I do need a kick up the backside!! I should never allow myself to be so distracted by other things that I forget the one person who deserves so much better and never forgets anyone's birthday!! She had 7 of us!! We are scattered all over the place and world and still her cards never fail to come in on time. This from an 88 year old is quite remarkable!! For instance I know that the day comes near Easter but Easter was early this year. I just left it too late and only realized it when I saw the American cards on sale heralding Mothers' Day!! OK - I'll stop bashing myself!! :-) Thanks for the prod!!

A wise friend of mine reckons everything happens for a reason, nothing is a coincidence. He would say your lesson in this is to take a break, give yourself breathing space and start again. You've had such a lot on your plate recently.

You Mum sounds remarkable, a sprightly 88 is not to be sniffed at. Seems very few of my family live beyond 70 if they even reach that, I certainly hope my Mum gets to be that age and as clued up as your Mum.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

She is pretty wonderful Baa and I would also assume that your mother is the same, given that she nurtured such a beautiful, sweet daughter!!! :-)

Thanks, you are the first person EVER to say that!

My Mum is a very special person to me.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

How strange!!! Just seems so incredible!! I'm glad you feel that way about your mum!!!

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