I'm finished..I think!!

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

I think I am finished planting all but the vines & caster beans I want to direct sow. Most but not all are annuals. Quite a few I figure will reseed. I have 15 / 72 cell flats but not 100% germination. Three of the flats don't have a lot in them as they are the ones that died due to my crazy weather. On some cells I got heavy handed. Three have not germinated yet but should start at anytime. There is about 20 flats of various kinds. I found I am having the best luck with peat pellets & plain old top soil from Wal-Mart with a little of the Scotts seed starting dirt sprinkled on top. The drink bottles did great & want more of them next year. Now I need to get busy & trasplant some. A lot are still too small.
I should even have plenty to share with my friends at church but my beds & pots come 1st. I have already shared some of my WS Tomatoes & they wasn't counted in the count above. All in all it ended up pretty good. Now if I can only get them all grown & keep the neighbors chickens from digging them up. I planted everything this year. Next year I'll know better what will & won't work here. I'm sure some won't do too well with our hot summers.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

How can you say you are finished?? I Never seem to get finished - keep finding things all year that I want to try to cram in. I wish I had your dicipline.

this year the end of mapril i am finished planting seeds done or not

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