Wheres everyone gone

hello All, its just taken me ages to get into here, is dave haveing problems ?,any one about ?.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Alan! It took me ages too!

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Hi Patty how are you, how long has it been like this, i couldnt get in at all earlier.

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It seems to be picking up a bit of speed now, perhaps dave has put it right, hows your cold.

Its takin me forever also. Glad its not my puter.

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. Take a hot whisky, with honey before you go to bed tonight. Alan, where have you been. We were worried about you. I am going to give up on here tonight I think unless it speeds up a bit. Its taking so long and sometimes I can't get in at all. Hi Janice and Diane!!

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I know how you feel patty, i havent been to great this last few days, i have lokked in a few times but i havent posted, i have had a medication that has a strange effect, it make me sleepy, and i bit drunk, and its not very nice, and i have been know to write the wrong thing, not intentionaly, but i have, so i thought it best to stay quiet and not upset anyone, Hi janice new face on the block, welcome to the any thing goes pages, daves a tollerent sort of chap, he puts up with this forum, very little gardening gets discussed here, Patty, how long have you felt bad ?.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorry you've been feeling bad Alan. Are you better?

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Lucky goats! I guess they're frisky at least. Who did you catch your cold from? It's usually the kids that bring it into the home because of school.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I can't handle this, so I'm off for now. Back in about an hour to check whether things have speeded up a bit. Ta-ra for now!

this is worse that waiting for an English country bus, it takes for ever to get here and its painfully slow when it does, i will see you all tomorrow, it will hopefully be better then, bye.


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