Transplanting Time!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I'm doing all my gardening indoors for awhile, so I've got 4-4x8 sheets of plywood filled with domed flats of seed. Everything is popping up like crazy, and I'm transplanting several flats a day. I worked on violas today, and that was a treat after doing lobelia yesterday! What are the hardest and the easiest things you transplant?

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I transplanted the tomatoes that I started too early tonight, and they are pouting big time. I'm hoping they get over it. DH says to me a little while ago as he was looking the situation over..."do you think that was a good idea?" LOL! Now that I've freed up some room under the lower lights, I'm going to plant some other types of tomatoes in their place as soon as the seed arrives.

I'm looking at my campanulas and wondering why I seeded them so thick?!?!?!?! Looks like moss! That's going to be fun!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, I've got fragrant white nicotiana that looks like a chia pet! I've begun mixing all my seeds with a bit of sand to spread them evenly, but in this case, I just didn't expect such a germination success rate! Last year it was foxglove. I've got about 8 flats full of 3-1/2" pots wintering over outdoors, and those that survive will bloom this summer.

I keep all my seedlings in domed flats under lights, so when I transplant, I always put them back in the domed flats, then mist the inside of the domes. That seems to stop the shock. When they start to get bigger, I begin cracking the lid open a little each day until they are happy with the lid off. If I do it all at once, they wilt immediately. Maybe you could tent the toms in plastic.

What kind of campanulas did you start?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Oh, these 'maters are too big to tent I'm afraid. I really jumped the gun on planting them babies. I think they'll come out of it, 'cuz tomatoes are pretty forgiving I think. Especially since they now have room to stretch their legs a bit. Reminder to self.....resist all urges to start tomatoes in February!!!

The campanulas I'm growing I got in a trade and they are only labeled "Peach Leaf Bellflower", so I'm assuming they are Campanula persicifolia, but we'll see when they grow up.

Weez? You get the feeling that we are the only two still awake here? We been chasing each other all over DG for awhile already! LOL!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Sorta looks that way. I'm on such a different time from most everyone else, that I usually end up visiting with the insomniacs when I am just waiting for my evening bathwater to cool! If I visit with Philomel, she's just getting up in England while I'm getting ready to go to bed in Alaska!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I thought I was on a different time from most everyone! It's 12:31 here, and I *think* you are 2 hours earlier than me. Am I right?

P.S. So maybe our clocks are 9 minutes short of DG time. LOL

This message was edited Sunday, Mar 17th 2:41 AM

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

It seems many of the folks here in the garden live in the southern states or the northeast state, or maybe it's just the folks I happen to talk to. Yeah, you're two hours earlier than me. Sometimes it's really nice to talk to someone else who's still dealing with winter weather.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm still reading behind ya'll, fast I can.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hi guys, i've just got up - it's 8am here
it's space to put everything that's the nightmare when pricking out. None of mine are quite ready, but soon........

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Smockette

Seems like there are just a few of us rattling around the garden this time of day. It's 11PM Saturday here.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

No Weez - I think you are two hours EARLIER than me? Not? We are having a blizzard right now. So yes, we are still experiencing winter!!!! Dumped 3 inches on us since 3 o'clock this afternoon. Wind blowing. Ugly! Isn't spring supposed to happen in like a few days??? Someone needs to go tell my rabbit that, 'cuz he's irritated about the whole thing.

Hey Smockette, hurry and catch up. We need more night owls here.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

In defence of having just got up at 8am, i submit that i was child sitting (can't call them babies any more) til 2am!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm here in Magnolia, Texas & it is just after 2am here.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Good Morning philomel! You have teenagers do you?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Lord, the only thing I'm more confused about than geography is time zones! Yes, we're earlier than you, JoanJ. We've had some cold weather and a little snow today, but the days are definitely getting longer. One way or the other, I hope to be in the greenhouse by April 1st with my oil heater going.

I can feel for your loss of sleep, Philomel. My son never stopped by to get his two mutlets, so they stayed overnight. The oldest dog, the alpha bitch, (after me) has some idea that she can share the bed with us anytime after 5am, so she hops up while we are sleeping and gradually stretches out. By 6:30 or 7am, she has the whole bed and we are hanging on to the edges to keep from falling off.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Grandchildren in 2 lots JoanJ. Daughter's are girls 8 and 6, son's (where i was last night) are one of each 7 and 5.

Ooops - pressed the send button too soon!

Hmmm Weez, that sounds uncomfortable!

This message was edited Sunday, Mar 17th 3:26 AM

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, it is 63* here & foggy. Was in mid 70s today & suppose to be 73* tomorrow with 30% chance of rain. But I can do all my seed planting in the house or the make-do GH.
Pitt & I tend to be niteowls on Sat nite. Fri nite we are too tired fr working all wk & Sun, we have to go back to work in the morning.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Philomel, I understand now. The reason I thought teenagers is that I'm usually up late waiting for teenagers to come home. No grandchildren yet, and hopefully not until the kids graduate from college. (keeping my fingers and toes crossed there)

weez - we have 6 housecats that sleep in between us, in a queen size waterbed, and neither DH or I are small people. I understand about being pushed out of bed!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

DH just finished the framework for two of those PVC seed starting shelves. We plan to install lights for all three shelves and suspend two more lights over the top. That will allow us to grow 16 flats per unit, or 32 altogether. I've already filled up 4-4x8 tables with flats (can't remember what you call them), and have just begun transplanting.

Smockette: I wouldn't know where to begin gardening in Texas! It's a whole different process..winter crops, summer crops. I guess we all learn how to make it work!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

No, just up late waiting for the long past teenagers to come home!

Hope your cats keep their claws to themselves JoanJ! Should think both you 2 and the waterbed could be at risk ;)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I don't know how anything so little and warm and chubby can get so big and pushy and flat when they're in bed with you...I'm referring to the cats and dogs, not the DH!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Yea, okay!

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Weezin - I have one of those PVC growlight thingies. I like it, but DH is going to modify it tomorrow. We are going to add one more level, and make it so there's more distance between the shelf and lights. That's the problem I ran into. The seedlings quickly outgrow the space between the shelf and the lights.

Philomel - These cats are 'beddy buddies'. They know where their place is and what the appropriate night time behavior is and they behave or know they will be booted out of bed to go sleep in a much lonlier and colder part of the house! And if they can't accept that, they get to camp out for the night. Cat's are smart, they learn quickly what they like and don't, and what type of behavior brings on unpleasant things for them.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Another advantage of living alone - kingsize ALL to myself LOL. Very comfy!
Aren't you just a little green? ;)

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I suppose all you guys are sleeping now? I've been working in the greenhouse all day transplanting. I just love it and could live out there if I had my computer set up so I could get to DG anytime I wanted to. Wish I could be up at the wee hours to chat with you guys but my hubby needs it quiet and when I type, the keyboard really makes noise. I know you don't know me from Adam, but I've enjoyed reading posts you have made and hope to get to know you all at some time. Have a great day.........Shirley

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

DG's time is 5 hours behind me here in the UK Shirley, so i'm just thinking of bed in a little while. i think that means Weez is 4 hours behind DG, so she's probably just having her lunch, or enjoying a post-prandial ziz ;) not sure about the others??

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Hilary, have a good night. I feel like I could go to bed right now. Worked all day in the greenhouse and just put it to bed for today. We still have a couple of hours of daylight left here, so am wondering what to do to make it til bedtime. All this planting is something this old body isn't used to. Go through this every spring, but it is worth it in the end. Nice to meet you. My husband spent time in England while in the Navy. He loves it there and would go back in a heartbeat. He just can't get me away from the flowers long enough to do it. Later......S

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

JoanJ: We just started putting up lights on one of the shelves my DH made, and he commented on the same thing..not enough head space. I'm starting and transplanting so many seedlings that the two he made are fine the way they are. I need the close light for quite awhile with some of these types. By the time they get much bigger, I'll be booting them out to the greenhouse. The next ones will probably be spaced for grow room.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Yep, especially for those of us who can't chase them out to the greenhouse, there needs to be some shelves with more head space.

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