Has anyone grown...

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I bought seeds for "Akebia quinata" and "Himalayan Cream poppy" Has any one grown these?There are directions on the packages but figured you guys are more experienced in starting them.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I'd like to know, too. I bought some Akebia seeds (from Plants of Distinction), it's been almost a month, and nothing! What did I do wrong?? I put them in a soiless starting mix, on a heated pad, under fluorescent lights.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

thats where mine came from too.....now I'm scared.$3.50 is alot for one packet of seed,especially if they don't come up.....

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

I ordered some Chiltern Seeds last year - never had any problem with there seeds, but these just didn't come up, so I gave up and bought the plant, which is now in the ground. Didn't die completely back, but says that it is ok to do so. It seems to be a pretty fast grower. The directions that I got from Chiltern was to put in the fridge for 30 days first. Did that but still didn't work.
Wish I could be of more help.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

The Deno book says... Akebia quintata germinated at 70º after a prior 1 month at 40º. I'd put the seed flat in the fridge for a month and then bring them out to room temp.

As for the Himalayan poppies... I haven't grown any yet but from what I've read it's important to keep the seedlings cool - 50º or so. They damp off and die in warmer temps. I have some of the blue ones to try. I think I'll put them in my basement where it's cooler. I might also try the winter sowing method if I have enough seeds.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

The Akebia says (Early spring at 65-75 F .days to germinate 28-42 ,Sow initially in 4" pots using bottom heat and after 6 weeks stand in the shade or cold frame .Protect from mice.After germination transplant singly into 3 inch pots using a good ericaceous(whts that???) compost and support with a thin cane.)HHHEEELLLPPPP !!!!!!!!!If I send them to someone can they germinate them???LOL,do they need cold treatment???

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Just found this link,says stored seeds need cold treatment http://webferret.search.com/click?wf,Akebia+quinata,,gardenbed.com%2FA%2F184.cfm,,fastsearch

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

crestedchik, ericaceous compost is one without lime, suitable for plants that like acid conditions - like azaleas, pieris, camellias etc Can usually get it at garden centres ok :)

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank you!I was clueless as usual!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Pleased to be able to help :)

Bonifay, FL(Zone 8a)

... Ericaceous This refers to plants, such as heather, pieris, rhododendron, camellia
and vaccinium, which all like acid soil. These plants are also known as lime ...

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

That word isent highlighted,it should go in the data thingy

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