Collecting Poppy Seeds

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

For those of you who have not collected poppy seed, here's a way to tell when the seeds are ready to harvest. After the bloom is spent, a green pod remains. This will eventually turn brown, but the seeds aren't truly ready until little vent holes form under the crown of the pod. Nature spreads the ripe seed when the long poppy stems sway in the wind. If you like to save the pods for dry arrangements, just shake the heads into a container.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens

Great pic Weeze' So many newbies now can actually "see" what to look for''Dave really helped us with this photo area on all the forums now,wonderful addition' Keepum coming,appreciate them'

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, I agree, Sis. The ability to add photos to any site is really a gift from the Great Garden Muse, Dave. A couple years ago, I went on a little garden tour with some friends and we took pictures of the seed pods and some of the seeds. Not all the pictures are particularly good, but I hope to continue to do this to help new seed collectors find the seeds.

When I first started collecting seeds, I used to ask gardening friends, "Where are they?" When can I harvest them?", and thanks to their knowledge, I now collect seeds from almost anything. It's a great satisfaction to see the little seedlings pop up out of my trays each spring in my basement.

They have labels that read, "Little Violas, Boat Harbor Planter", or "Mystery Seeds from Cafe Flower Box". Each seed collection has a story, and each time I share the seeds, another story begins...pretty nifty!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I think the seed photos are also a great addition to the Plant Database. [hint,hint :] That way they'll always be there to look up when needed. Seedlings too - since a lot of people want know what the seedlings look like opposed to the weeds.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, you're right, Poppysue. I've been having so much fun posting on the forums that I've forsaken the databases. It's time to go back and contribute. I've sure used the database for my own questions, so it's time to offer more.

Your suggestion about the seedlings is a good one. Since I start my seedlings indoors, there is seldom a question of what I'm transplanting, but outdoors it is quite different. I have the digital camera and I have lots of seedlings coming along, so I'll try to get pics of my babies to offer.

This brings up a question about adding info. Some of the database original entries don't have much info concerning zoning, height, lots of unknown entries. My understanding is that the only way to add those things is through an additional entry, unless you entered it. Am I correct?

Isn't go_Vols working on cleaning up the database or did I just dream that up (I do that sometimes). I'm hesitant to just add more stuff to clean up. What is your thought?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Vols has an edit feature to clean up some of the entries. The problem is finding the errors or incomplete entries since the database has gotten so huge. I think a good idea is to make a running list for entries that need some minor editing & corrections. Maybe we should run the idea by her and see what she thinks. I know she can't look up all the entries alone. Any mistakes pointed out would be a big help - I'm sure.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Sounds like a good idea to me, Poppysue. I'll help if someone points me in the right direction. I just don't want to make more work for her. I'd be glad to look up some of the missing info, but if I just make an addtion, that may not be helpful at all.

Vols also talked about setting up some codes that could be accessed rather than redundant info, such as propagation techniques. She suggested not adding this info to the database entries, but rather submitting different methods to the thread she had begun. Do you know where we are on that?

Whatever I can do to help, I'm willing.

Feeding Hills, MA(Zone 5a)

These pictures are such a big help to me!

I am a new gardener also....and sometimes don't know where
to look for the seed or when it it time to harvest...etc.

This sure does make it easier.

Whenever I get a new plant the first thing I do is go to the database and look it up.


Thank you for sharing that as I want to try more seed saving this year. I would love for people to show different seed pods and tell about them. Would also like to see more pictures of seedlings as I am not sure what I have coming up. I know I need to label better but haven't found a cheap label that will last yet. I will be posting alot to the identification forum this year I know but I promise I will label all eventually. So any help I promise will be a learning experience for me :)

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

what i do is wait until they're just starting to look dry, but not open and then put them upside down in a paper bag somewhere warm, that way you dont lose any seeds. they'll fully ripen in the bag, and all you have to do is shake the bag and they'll all be at the bottom. easy :D

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

so, I took the pods today. right after they had bloomed. I just let them dry for awhile till brown. then. get the seeds ? They dont have to be drying on the plant?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Mings - let them dry and see what happens. If the pods were mature enough the seed may ripen when drying. If they weren't the seeds will prbably rot or get moldy.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

bet they rot and get moldy. They must of just bloomed with in the past week or so. ill write myself a note adn go back in a few weeks and see if they are still standing. I don;t know how soon he tills them under.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Leave the seed pods and wait for the vent holes to open, Mimi.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

I have them just sitting here on a plate. Vent holes? Okay! We shall see.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Mimi: When seed pods are ready, they will form vent holes under the head of the pod. If picked a bit early, this may not take place. You'll have to spread the seed and see if it is matured or not.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

ooooooh. It has been 3 or 4 days now. They are starting to dry up. no holes yet.

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