Delay in seed starting

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

I have to go to Ft Gordon, GA for 2 weeks (school for Army Reserves), starting this I won't be able to start any seeds until I get back :( Maybe it's for the best anyway...I usually start too soon because I get anxious and the plants end up staying in pots longer than they should...I just can't take care of them the way they need to be taken care of once they reach a certain point.

I'm looking forward to growing castor bean plants this year. I think I'll put them along the fence where the moles like to run because I hear those plants are poisonous. Maybe the moles will quit frequenting that area then.

Won't be long now :)

f you have a problem with mole there is a plant called mole plants that excrete a resin from the roots that is irritating to them. i might be able to trade you for
something. or just the postage if you don't have any thing to trade but be warned we have taken to calling this stuff mole grass. to say that it self sows readily is an under

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

The castor bean roots emit a smell that the moles don't like, rabbits don't care for the smell either. they have kept both at bay here at my gardens. As an added bonus, you get a very tropical look from the plants.

Kittanning, PA

How well do they work on deer? Not that I don't like seeing the wildlife.. I prefer they DON'T eat my Daylilies let alone any of my other flowers...
I truly believe that daylilies are amongst their favorites!! :( at least here they are...

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

SYR... there are flowers and plants that deer do not eat. i posted the site before. let me look for it. brb... ma vie

here is the url for plants that deet shy away from...

This message was edited Sunday, Mar 10th 10:44 PM

Kittanning, PA

Hey MVR,
While i got your attention!! LOL How do i start a rose cutting? I have a couple coming in spring...YIPPEE... but i have no clue how to start them... Also, my mom has an OLD rose bush that she got from my great grandfather... My father prunes it to H--L and it still comes back... Has beautiful huge wine/burgundy double? blooms... can i layer it to get one for myself... before he kills it!...
Let me know,

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

SYR... whoever is doing the cutting, i hope the have a bucket of water handy with some B1 plant vitamin. so they can immediately submerge the cuttings in water. if the cuttings do go right in water after cutting, air will penetrate the stem... which is a no no. air on the stem is detrimental to ur new baby rose.

same with u when u got the cuttings... cut off some part on a basin of water. soon as the cut is made under water... that stem will suck up some water instead of air. instead of elaborating on it. here is a good site for propagating roses. it is easy to follow what u see that what is being explained. at least it is for me. scroll down, see and follow their instruction. it is no different than what i would do myself...

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Sooo who has castor beans? I got something last year that was supposed to be castor bean that never came up!


Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Eyes: I have three different varities of castor beans, carmencita red, bronze is gibsoni and an unnamed variety that has red stems with red veining in green leaves. I can send you some of each for a sase. I've had good germanation with these in past years.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

You got mail!


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