Half Term - Aaaaaaagh!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Had 2 of the oiks all day today. No, they're lovely really. The weather's been so good we had the doors open all day, and did some gardening together. Great now they've got to the stage of being marginally useful.

We found an old wren's nest in the ivy and a robin's nest sadly with an egg in. Also i hadn't had a good look round for the last few days - been flat out - and we discovered several plants have come into flower. The Daphne odora is open (and scenting the air). The oriental hellebores are looking good, there are crocuses and pulmonaria. Keep forgetting to mention the prostrate rosemary in a pot in the porch which has been in flower since last autumn!! The snowdrops are lovely too. And the robins and blackbirds are singing their heads off while keeping a weather eye out for choice beasties to eat.
Roses are shooting, leaves on the honeysuckle, daylilies sprouting.............
And to cap it all it's PANCAKE DAY. So they're next on the list {:o)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Ooooooh your garden sounds so nice. Not much to look at in mine at the moment - just a few snowdrops in flower, not much else. The birds are singing in the mornings though. I'm glad you had such a lovely day.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks Northerner. I hope yours was good too!
Made my garden sound good, but it's been really neglected for ages. Have had too much else to cope with. I didn't mention the brambles and nettles everywhere. The overgrown paths and veg plot.
Talking to everyone at DG and seeing all the wonderful photos and the familiar plant names has rekindled the old magic and enthusiasm.
*!@*#** Now i'm getting all emotional LOL!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

in the next few weeks my garden is having a complete overhaul. A guy is coming to make me 2 raised beds which will be about 70 feet long in total to house my snowdrop collection. gravel is going down in place of flags

my geranium collection are already into new growth which is very early but good to see. every day is getting more exciting as we roll towards March.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well i got a shock today, went round one side of the house which i have not seen for a while and there were some small daffodils flowering their little heads off, they were i think tete-a-tete ones put them in a better position near where i can see them, easily done as they were in pots. Yes everything is coming alive the roses putting a big spurt on, both the clematis and honeysuckle now sprouting from brown dead branches, the perennials are starting to grow their new stems, i think its going to be a good year, mind you found loads of greenfly knocking about.

Not half=term here in Wigan though, wonder why, maybe the teachers hate to pay a lot for their holidays at half-term.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

And you never did send me that photo Mark - 'aerial' view. Have to take it quickly so there's a before and after.
How big is it then, if you can devote all that to your snowdrops and still have plenty left for your geraniums etc etc??
Sounds great, i'm green. Need someone to sort out the bit outside my back door - old concrete, cracking and in need of total redesign!
Isn't that just great Sheila, when you come across something just getting on and doing its own thing? But useful that you could move them into view.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I've just packed my youngest off to Broqnie camp for a few days, it's a glorious day here, and yes it's been fab to hear the birds start up in the mornings. I've had one that's been singing through most of the nigth too, either he's a bit confused, or very enhusiastic. Has any one been watching the Bill Oddie progs on Friday nights, they're really good,He was trying to point out the difference between a nightingale, a blackbird and a robin singing, (which they all can do at night) I couldn't tell the difference!
My first hellebores that I grwew from seed are coming out into flower, it looks to be a dark purple one, I've waited 2 years for this,can't wait to find all those hundreds of seedlings under them this year that everyone says appears.They say it too about the alchamilla mollis, but I never get any seedlings of that ! :-{
My clematis are bursting out too, does that mean we should be trimmimng them back now?or wait until the possible cold spells are over? I'm never sure.
Doesn't weather like this give you a real buzz :-}Roll on sun-shine.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Yep never miss our Bill, wonderful man and a lovely programme.

All you mums-any of you bald yet, enjoy the children why you can, miss mine being little again.

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