Seed buying.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Won a tenner on the lottery, so what did i do, went out and bought some seeds, Unwins and Mr Fothergill got my custom.
Delphinium Round Table
Echinacae Lustre Hybrids
Lupin Russell mix
Napeta faasenti
Polemonium caeruteum
Poppy Iceland mix

Cosmos allsorts-different mixture
Sunlowers allsorts again
Rudbeckia Aslam-having a change from TOTO
Tagetes Lemon Gem.

Cant wait to sow in electric propogater, already my sweet peas and Dianthus are up.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

What a great thing to do with a win. Lasting pleasure. i'm only just looking at catalogues still (Organic gardening Catalogue - see Garden Watchdog). usually have all seeds ordered by well before christmas,oh well. Praps when i've ordered my vegs i'll have a look at the cats. you used. OGC's a bit basic for flowers, though can't miss out on the eg night scented stock. Like your list, think of all of them the Echinacae get my vote.
Just remembered, got a Cytisus battanderi with the tenner i won some while ago.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Been out as well yesterday. Got myself:
Foxglove Giant Spotted Mixture
Corn Marigolds
Wildflowers - Wildlife Mixture
Butterfly and Bee Garden Mixture
Cottage Garden Mixture
Fragrant Garden Mixture

The Foxglove seed is from "Heritage Seeds", the rest from Mr Fothergill's. Picked myself some gloadioli - freebie with Garden Answers magazine. Haven't seen Amateur Gardening this week - usually buy it most weeks during the growing season for their free seeds on the front cover. OK, starting to think of spring planting. Apart from my tubs (bedding plants) I'm going to try and concentrateagain on seeds this year. The most economical way for a hard-up student to bring colour to her garden.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I've just been sorting through my seeds,ready for this season, I seem to have aquired aboyt 160 packets through various trades on here and via the cottage garden society.There's quite a few that I need to sow now in the cold-frame, trouble is it's already full up with the autumn sowings !Most of which are coming through thick and fast.When do you think I should prick them out? should I wait until it gets warmer?
I got some lovely ones from T.C.G.S. amaryllis, lilies, can't wait.
But of course there's always more that I want, I'm looking for some large dahlias to grow on my veg plot for cutting, I've grown used to having cut flowers in the house over the last year LOL so this year I'm going to grow my own.Save hubby a fortune!I can grow most seeds bar the commoner ones,I always have trouble with lobelias and all the stuff I want for my baskets,so last year I took cuttings of the petunias,and axarillas and others,and I'll cheat and buy the lobelia!!!!!!!!!
I'm just off now to investigate some seed co. sites, see what else I can buy....

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