Apple trees

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

I planted 36 crabapple seeds on January 13th. I had them in a moist paper towel in the fridge for a few months. Some of them started to sprout, so I planted them in those little 1" square 6 pack thingies you buy bedding plants in. 6 of them are up already and are about 2 inches tall and have four true leaves. How long should I leave them in these before transplanting into something bigger? I finally got my growlight system built today and they are under there now.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i have never grown crabapple,bur here aare some url that may help u

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Thank you for the links MaVieRose. From what I learned reading the links, growing crabapple trees from seed isn't a good idea, as they won't grow to be like their parents. That's okay with me though. Maybe I'll end up with a really good tree that produces great apples! You never know I guess. And the tree might have yucky apples too, but they will be welcome too. I want trees in a big way! LOL!

I still want to know when I should transplant them and when I should fertilize them. I've never grown anything from seed that amounted to anything, so I'm really green at this.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

the first url recommend to plant spring time. if i am not mistaken if u give the plant the right growing medium, it should come out ok. whenever i plant anything or mix soil for specific plants, i alway add some superphosphate in the mixture. superphosphate give the plant a good rooting media, and aid in flower formation too. during growing season, i use Miraclegrow 15-30-15 to water the plants twice a month. so far with both fertilizer, i have been able to grow nice plants. hope that help u. ma vie

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