Coral Vine and Rangoon Creeper Vine seeds

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Can anyone tell me the best way to germinate these seeds. A friend has had NO luck at all with them. I told her I'd ask here at DG. TIA

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

Coarl Vine---Antigonon, right? I had real trouble starting this one until I nicked and soaked the seeds, and even then they were slow to sprout. I know this isn't much help, but some maybe. A heat mat might help---I didn't try that, but they do like WARM weather!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

My Prod Mgr has gone for the wkend but I will gladly ask him Mon am. Do you only have seeds for the Rangoon Creeper? We have them growing here @ the Farm but I don't know what the seeds look like. But out of the 25 acres here @ the Farm, I think Rangoon Creeper is one of my most favorites!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

MsBatt, yes the Antigonon, and thanks for the info.
Smockette, I can sure understand why Rangoon Creepeer is a favorite. I didn't even know what it was when I posted this message. Now I know it's a must have for me!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Can someone post a pic?? I'd love to see one!


High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i've searched high & low, this is the only site that make sense, if that help any ...

Eyes- here are photo of the plant hope that helps... ma vie

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

It is a beautiful plant....but I don't think it would make it la vie..


Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Eyes, you might have to cover it in winter but I think you could grow it up there. I just looked up your location. I'm fr Ft Worth & remember the cold winters.
My boss @ the Farm tells about living in Colorado & chopping it down to the ground. Then he poured a slab for a room addition on his house. The next spring that thing had grown sideways out fr under the slab & was blooming. He swears you can't hardly kill it once it is established. I took one to Indy two yrs ago & it did fine until my girlfriend set it out to get some sun & forgot it. It froze in a pot sitting on her deck.
It puts out long "runners" that can be directed where you want it to grow. Indy had the pot sitting in the corner of her deck next to the house & it came on around her railing for about 15'. She said it was "beautimus" and with so many different colored flowers.
MaVie, that is a nice pix. The ones that we have down here don't seem to be so red. They tend to go from snow white to a much deeper rose rather than red.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Smokette (=. i tried to find info on how to plant the seeds. unfortunately there aren't any. i pick the best site i could find to post from the research i've made... ma vie

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

i just received a baby start of this in trade. So, if it grew back in Colorado, do you think it would grow back here if frosted? trying to decide where to plant it after last frost, thanks.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow, this is neat, I always love something different, this fits right into that category. Smockette, does the farm sell starts of this? Is the farm where you work a nursery? You once told me about all kinds of lantana, does the farm sell starts? Joann

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Funny how this shows up exactly one year after the last post. I should have some rooted cuttings or Rangoon Creeper to trade in the spring (4-5 of them) assuming they survive the winter

This message was edited Monday, Jan 20th 8:28 AM

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

Floridian, i didn't even notice it was a year behind! still wondering where i should plant, guess i could always dig up a little root piece in the fall, but lots of times things will grow back from frost here if given enouh time.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey Arlene,
This grows year round here. There's some growing at a neighbors, and I do mean growing! It's sending out long vines right now. The foliage is darker than summer foliage like so many of our plants. I'll try to get a picture in the next few days, see if there's any frost damage on it.
I guess I should say...I'm talking about the Rangoon Creeper
rather than the Coral Vine...Also, the neighbor has it in a fairly shaded area, not full sun by any stretch.

This message was edited Monday, Jan 20th 10:37 AM

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

OH OH OH....
Can I get on your trade list for one of those???

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, yep, it has been a yr & the one up front is still there! It is climbing up a 'gazebo'. It now has definitely darker foliage than in warm weather.
After the twenties we had last wk, it looks a bit ruff but it was suppose to be 70* today so it won't be long before it looks just fine again.
I work @ TreeSearch Farms & just refer to it as the Farm for short. It is a 25 acre tree farm that specializes in Texas Native plants. We are wholesale so that helps.
We sell it & other plants in gallons, mostly.
Anxious to see your neighbor's!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Sure CC, if they survive my care one is yours!
Smockette are yours in full sun? I drove right by it today and didn't stop. I had to take all my plants back outside today but I will get a picture real soon. excuses when I go by 2 x a day!

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

Stacey, how cold did you get? my plants do fine when it only dips in around 30 for a short while. did people in your area lose plants to the frost? you should see my place, brown and desolate but it won't be much longer now.
Smockette, i'm about 15 miles from zone 9 and i'm guessing our temperature ranges are smilar. thanks for the info. will get it some good roots by next fall.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's a picture of the winter foliage. I DO want to make sure this is RC and not Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow as someone suggested to the owner of this vine. He says he's sure it's RC...
Arlene, it got down to about 30*, knocked back a few plants like the Papaya & EEs and the leaves of two tiny planted brugs. EEs around the neighborhood in exposed areas look BAD! We covered a few things, brought in a bunch and left the rest to fend for themselves. Even the outdoor monarch cats came thru okay...I still have several in the 'sunroom' on milkweed plants. The big planted brugs did fine, the DW Candida has about 20 buds on it right now.

Thumbnail by Floridian
Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

Stacey, i have yesterday, today and tomorrow...shiny kind of leaves flowers are blue. it's a shrub, can become a small tree. know someone with a hedge of them, 8-10 feet tall. gee i've had it for several years now and can't remember the order, i think they start blue and end up white...maybe vice versa.
well you guys had it about as bad as us. low was predicted for low 20s 3 nights, only went to 27 here i think. can't believe it didn't hurt the flowering maples, they are still blooming.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

So this IS RC?? It is definitely a big vine but I haven't seen it bloom yet. My Abutilon did great outside, they look better than the ones I took in for 3 days...go figure.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

That is Rangoon Creeper! Have you seen that thing in bloom? I'm sure it will be awesome!

This message was edited Friday, Jan 31st 12:50 PM

Does anyone have seeds for the
rangoon creeper. Maybe 2 or 3?
I have searched for this vine
forever it seems. Maybe a
cutting to start? Thanks

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Floridian, did you ever get those Coral vine seeds to grow?
I have a friend that has massive babies every yr.
Let me know if you want some. I'll go digging in her backyd!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Smockette,email me about the RC.thanks

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Smockette, Thanks so much...the seeds were actually for a friend. Is it okay if I have her get in touch with you directly? She's a DG member

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Floridian, not a problem. I'm on AOL.

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