Piper Nigrum - HOW??

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)


I got my black peppercorn seeds today, but there was no infomation on the pkt. as to how to raise them. Has anyone done this and if so, could you give me some help with these? Thanks!!


I have read all about temps, water requirements, etc. just didn't find any germination information.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Brugie, I couldn't find much about germination either. This is from my American Hort A-Z book

"Sow seeds at 20-24ºF in early spring."

That's it. I figured you have enough seeds to try a couple of different methods. I'd try the damp paper towel in the fridge method for 4-8 weeks. Maybe winter sow a few outside ... and maybe save a few to plant in the spring when your temps start to warm a bit.

Hopefully someone with experience will come around to help. Good luck with them. Let us know how they do.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Sue, I thought that since these things grow in very hot and humid conditions that I'd try some on the heat mat first. Will see what happens.


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