'yellow' snowdrop

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hi all

I thought you would like to see this stunning snowdrop I photographed at the weekend. it's at the address below



now let anyone tell me 'seen one seen them all'!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Mark Hi! I replied to your post already, or thought I had, maybe I didn't sent it - oh well! I live in a dream world. I love the snowdrop - its gorgeous. Do you plant them by seed or 'in the green'? By the way, can we use your photos of geraniums on the co-op forum?

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Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


snowdrops should always be planted 'in the green' while their leaves are healthy. they hate being dried out even for a short while. Dried garden centre bulbs may flower in their first year if they are planted as soon as they arrive but as each week passes their flower bud deteriorates. These garden centre bulbs may take a couple of years to recover from dry conditions. FYI the yellow snowdrop costs around £25 / $40 for one bulb.

if Louisa can see the photo you should be able also.

as for digital cameras I have never bought mine although I would now recommend the Fuji 1400 or 2400 more so the later as it has more to offer for just a little extra.

my South Africa visit starts this coming Sunday until April 9th. I already have South African photos online in my 'Safari Critters' album. follow the same link as the snowdrop and click on view rest of albums or some thing like that.

re bats, most bats in the world are now protected. some are even on the verge of extinction as I write. this all due to mans raping of the land etc but I wont go any deeper than this. where do you live? I have an unfinished web site about bats at www.batdetective.com which should be all online by the summer. I have everything written but it takes a while to get it online. maybe Dave would like to earn a few $ and finish it for me!! :-))

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Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

here is the link to my album list


Hi Mark, great pic, and you have answerd a question for me too, i put in about a 100 snowdrop bulbs last september only three came up. but they were gc bought, and they were bought late, so very, very dry, so i now know why they didnt do as well as i expected, does the same apply to crocus bulbs, i put about 300 or so of them in, and only fifty odd came up.

Bats are getting scarce around here, i did see one late last summer, just before the sun set, but before that it has been a few years, i found one once when i was a boy, it was clinging to the kerb one morning, strange little beast, i put it in a shoe box and took it to one of the teachers at school, he was into all that kind of thing too, he took it back that night and realeased it in our street, so it was in familier territory, but that bat was the days topic in class, not often one was seen in the day time, its a pitty they are now endangerd, but its like all other things, we are killing them of too.


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


I suugest that you phone one of the 'in the green' companies sooner rather than later and order a few hundred snowdrops. they all advertise at the back of Gardeners World. 100 should cost no more than a tenner. it's the easiest way to get a good show.
Florajacs in Wisbech tel 0800 0154482
AB Nurseries in Wisbech 01945 465310
Orchard Nurseries in Wisbech 01354 638613

whats the attraction of Wisbech?


Thanks Mark, wisbech is ten minutes from me, i know those places, and theres no bloody attraction to Wisbech at all, its a dump, but it has a few of these good suppliers, Marshalls are there too.


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Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

£25 -£30 for one bulb. BTW it's called 'Wendy's Gold'. I do have a double yellow snowdrop but it's not as nice. it's called 'Lady Elphinstone'.

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