what are best online nurseries to buy plants

what are the best online nurseries to buy plants

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

We have a great place to check on on line garden sellers called the Garden Watchdog


You can search by topic (if you want japanese maples or vegetable seeds, you can search just those vendors)

It is also sortable by rating. Here's an example for iris:

Where it says 'company name' it is a drop down list and you can select rating and then the system will pull up the vendors with the best reviews.

You also have our Watchdog 30 at the top of the page and these are the 30 vendors that have the best overall ratings in the whole 8,000+ vendors in the directory.

All of these reviews are from customers who have purchased form them.

We hope this helps you find the best vendors for your garden products!

Wedgefield, FL

I find the bigger nurseries tend to be very pricy. Top Tropicals has fantastic stuff and when I ordered from them in the past it has come in quickly(they are 2 hours away) and in good shape. I have heard some people complain some of their things are mislabeled but havent had that issue myself. I just cant justify the cost anymore though, their prices have just gone nuts in the last couple years.

As a collector of weird and exotic plants and trees I have started to simply google the thing I am looking for and IF, and thats a big IF, the item can be found, 9 times out of 10 I am finding them relatively cheap from small sellers and private nurseries on ebay, amazon and etsy. Usually they are smaller than what I would get if I were to go and buy one in person but it will grow. Now if you are looking for big land scape items then you might want to look local, shipping is going to hurt.

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