SOLVED: Tomato or Horse Nettle?

Rome, GA

I did not plant small tomatoes but this come up in my garden. My neighbor said it's toxic horse nettle. Is this a tomato plant? Thanks for your help and time.

Thumbnail by Arris Thumbnail by Arris Thumbnail by Arris Thumbnail by Arris
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Photos that would confirm are missing. Horse nettle flowers are lavender to almost white, like eggplants. Tomato flowers are yellow. Horse nettle leaves have spines on their undersides. Tomatoes do not. The lobes on leaves of horse nettle are more pointed/angular than your photos. The photos posted look like a tomato.

Edited to add if you saw lavender flowers, it has spines and yellow fruit it would be horse nettle.

This message was edited Jun 13, 2024 4:08 PM

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I would get a new neighbor, since your current one knows nothing about plant identification.

MaypopLaurel has provided excellent diagnostic information. I can see from way up here in Kentucky that you have a Tomato (Lycopersicon sp.) plant there. It is probably going to provide you small tomato fruit, a la Cherry Tomato types. You likely had remnant seeds in your soil, or seeds were imported with things you planted or amendments you added to your growing site.

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