What\'s wrong with my Echium candicans (Pride of Madeira)?

Monrovia, CA

I live in sunny Southern California, specifically in the San Gabriel Valley, which is zone 10a. I planted both pink and purple of Echium candicans in my east facing front yard. The plant is very hardy and has been a sturdy grower and bloomer. But the blooms are dull, sparse, and short-lasting. We're actually thinking of taking the plants out and calling it a loss.

I know the plant does really well further north, in cooler coastal areas--it is very popular and vibrant in Santa Barbara for example. It is popular in low water landscapes like mine, but gardenia.net says it's best in Heat Zones 4-9 (I'm in 11), though I've seen it look better in areas not far from me.

It's never had the tightly packed blooms that make it so beautiful and the blooms don't last long so I'm left with green cones with brown dead flowers instead. I'm fine to be done with the thing, but if there is an obvious answer to my problem, I'd love to hear what that may be. Thanks.

Thumbnail by mstenzel Thumbnail by mstenzel

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