Oh Dear 'Compo' Died - Will The Show Continue?

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Who else watches "Last of the Summer Wine"?

Tuesday when we I watched "Last of the Summer Wine" Compo had died? I think I remember reading that he had died in (in real life) in about October or November of last year. I am so sad that Compo has died, he really was the star of the show.

Will the show continue?

We are avid watches of this wonderful show.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

What a shame! We loved this show back home - only one word for it - charming!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, gardendragon, it's continuing! Can't say I watch it much these days though. I used to watch it right in the beginning when Michael Bates was in it and the three of them used to haunt the local library and drive the librarian to utter distraction! I have memories of an episode, an early one, in which Compo climbed up a giant carrot ( not a real one! it was a sign for a shop!!) but haven't worked out which episode it is yet.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

I have been to the part of Yorkshire where this was filmed, Compo has been in bad health for many years and most of what you see of him on the show is really his double. A cosy show for a sunday night after Antigue road show.I will watch it sometimes if no visitors but in the light evenings usually out walking or gardening will give it a miss.

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