Best, Worse, What did I learn today? Come take a chair and chat a bit! newcomers alway welcomed!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us from

Beat my scheduled bedtime as given above by 5 minutes

This message was edited Dec 6, 2023 7:42 AM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Calling for a high if 28°f today with the sun coming out from time to t8me.

Glad you got out to Red Lobster Dianne, always a plus when you get to take home a few more feeding. Nice when a restaurant isn’t waiting for you to gulp down your meal and those in the line-up are learning and looking ever so hungry.

Now you have me curious to see a friddle, let me guess before i go look, is it something that you make kindling wood with??

How is Kaos? Am thinking this spring i might take a ride on to to meet up with you and have lunch.p, I’d so like that.

Just heading to back shed to see if I can find some red velvety ribbon, Sunday when all the children were here Tom from restaurant brought in 3 giant Christmas balls to hand in the restaurant front window, we didn’t have chance to talk what he wanted but I’m th8nking that is why he brought them, said he would see me Wednesday morning so guess he and I are crafting.

At 10 Mary who brought all the fabric and the sewing machine a few months back wants a snowman kit for her grandson so she will like be Tay 1/3 hr. Phoebe comes for her 4:30 lesson, all not too exciting but will fill in my day and during free time maybe I can get another 2 froggies done so as you can see I am keeping busy

Thinking of Karen today, hugs and prayers for her.

What are you all up to today..
Susan please check in

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

The realtor gave me a ton of paperwork to review to help me set a price. My cousin did not get to come yesterday but said he would stop by this morning & see what supplies are needed.
Marie is getting cold feet. She really doesn't want to live in Richland, I wish she would make up her mind and not even see any homes in Richland. Don't mind me, I'm cranky.
I honestly do not know what is worse. The idea of being holed up in a bedroom at Marie's, because Stanley won't get along with the dog or trying to continue to live here while the house is up for sale. I would have to stuff Stanley into a cat carrier & clean up cat litter AND hide the litter box before each showing.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Drats, think I would be staying in my own home, as much as she says she is ok moving with you I think if she does move when totally not 100% in favour you may be made to feel you pressured there any special reason you feel you want to let go of your home? Not be able to keep up maintenance? It’s only me but think living on your own might not be so bad

Was over to Shannon’s restaurant, not knowing what they wanted me to do with ornaments they seemed happy enough to get them. Figured while I was already dressed for winter I’d go get my soon as I got in I thought as I spoke yesterday about scheduling down time, well here I is, laying on couch, covered in a cozy blanket, figure I’ve 2 hrs to nap.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Mom just called, aunt Muriel fell, brain blood bleed and did something to her vertebrae..won’t say prayers for recovery as she has been diagnosed with cancer, will be 94 next month, don’t I sound cold at heart? Do request prayers for quiet passing though


I'm here, just busier than usual.
Saturday's Christmas Market went well, and each of the Senior's society & Wellness made $254 for each of our groups.
Sunday planned to sleep in, but RCMP called at 9am to say Bob would like to pick up his stuff at 9:30am. He was confused when he didn't see his stuff in the den, so took some out of the motorhome. He gave me a Christmas card (gak!). I signed over my portion of the motorhome so he can take it away (SOON!) He'll come for the rest of his stuff "before the end of the month". If he doesn't take the motorhome in a timely manner (my choice), I can have the owner of the Park remove it at Bob's expense. Bob said he couldn't lock the motorhome, so anything else of his can be put in it. He did take some things, so I had a BIT more room, but even so....
Monday I went in to get a Heart Monitor halter on, then proceeded to climb up a ladder several times to get Christmas stuff out of the shed (150ft from my front door), then decorated the tree (up & down a step stool) and the house. That was about 10 hours.
RCMP called & asked if I would put any more stuff in the RV. That's what I did today - stuff out of the house & into my shed & his RV.
Yesterday - foot care @9, remove halter @10, teach how to make the "quilted" Christmas balls@2 (Thank you, LK!), had tech come to fix my sound system on my tv @4pm.
When I took in the Monitor, she said I gave it a good workout - some people do nothing, so the monitor won't show much.
Tomorrow's bowling, Friday is Games Night, Saturday carolling, Sunday - Christmas lunch in Red Deer, then return home for our Senior's Christmas dinner. I was at the Senior's centre today taking a "Santa" chair today, plus a bit more redecorating it. I hate plastic table cloths lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new room Betty.
Goodness, everyone is busy running errands and such.
Dianne, how is your knee doing?
Betty, sorry to hear about Muriel. Will keep her in our prayers.
Susan, you are so busy all the time. Sorry to hear Bob didn't get all his stuff out. Nice of you to give him more time.
Pat, I am tending to agree with Betty. Might be better to stay in your own home. If she won't be happy living in a different area, why does she look?


Linda Kay - yup, I'm absolutely adorable LOL He'd better get his stuff out of here, in short order, or I'm going to take what I want/need & sell or trash the rest! RCMP said I could get it towed away, by the owner of the Park, at Bob's expense. If you think I won't, think again lol

Betty - prayers for Muriel

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Prayers for peace and comfortable quiet passing.

Sharon & I got 3 yards of bark and hauled wheelbarrows full of the stuff to top flower beds until we ran out of daylight, and it got hazardous to walk out there. You know how gardening is, you can ALWAYS find more to do. I wish I had the time to buy and spread rock along the back, it sure won't happen before the pictures tomorrow at 1 PM!

We got the 3 trellises up, one still needs to be cemented but since we are working on down spouts in that area yet, I don't want it cemented incase we need to ease/push it out of the way a little during the down spout installation,

We'll decide if I should remain "here" in the house while the house is up for sale after the first week of showings,.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, weather liars were at it again,I’m sitting here enjoying a hot chocolate seeing as we got quite a snow storm and Marie shovelled me out where Jules didn’t so I get not to rush out and get that snowblower out.

Kept waiting for a call to say Aunt Muriel passed but she is a fighter, could be some time.

Pat, once the house is listed you will have all the time in the world to rest, hope you take advantage of it.

Susan, think Bob is pressing all the buttons to see how long he can delay picking up rest of his belongings and knows full well you will save him the effort of getting rid of it. It will be interesting to see the reading of heart monitor after you being so energetic.

Pat,is Lizzie trying to be your bedmate yet?

Dianne, did you get this snow? Had hoped we would make it closer to Christmas that way our winter would only last about 3 months. How is Chaos.

Deb, you are in similar weather zones right, how is the snow situation going.

Well, i think the lower table might help so i took white fabric and sewed to top of pillow and sides then pulled it over the back, that helped, then i had bought at Dollarama One of those round pillows that have soft pebbles in it, was abl to further push it to front of pillow and think It will give me even more support, here is hoping.

My 10 year old sewer made a pair of curtains for her mom, she was so excited they turned out.
Saw this tree decorated with gifts, don’t know about you but kind of depressed me.

Want to be energetic today, young Ari comes at 3:30 so plenty of time to get something done but then the couch looks good,

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I agree, that all black tree is very depressing.
I hope that pillow works for you.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Aunt Muriel passed away last night.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I am so sorry for your loss, Betty.

Temps here are in the low 50's today, and they're saying close to 60 tomorrow. No signs of snow in the next week or so.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Cooked a big meal, cancelled tonight’s class

Made a lemon meringue pie, burnt to meringue, beat some up again, stayed right in front of the stove so I didn’t burn again.

We won’t get your high temps Deb but maybe not as much snow or as cold as normal.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Betty, I her passing was quick and I hope painless. She had a long full life. I know it still hurts.

Marie was notified that the application for funds for Phil's special funding due to hazardous exposure while working at Hanford was approved and she will receive funds 12/22. THAT just increased the funds available for a cash buy.

The pictures were taken today and between Marie, Sharon & some help from my wonderful neighbors over the last few days, the house looked fabulous. I hope the pictures reflect that! I meet with realtor tomorrow, set price and get it online. Over the last 2 days we spread 3 cubic yards of bark and racked leaves (over and over!). SCRUBBED floors and attempted to put wax on the sewing room floor (that was a waste, it did NOT take a shine). We got the trellises up but the 3rd one is NOT cemented yet due wanting to get the downspouts in place first.

Yes, Stanley is a lousy bed partner! Maybe we will get the other bedroom cleared enough that he can go in there at night. Nope, I won't get any rest. I will be helping Marie get HER house ready for sale.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear that Betty. Sending our condolences and prayers for the family.


Betty - condolences to you & the family.
Pat - how wonderful! Happy to hear that the funds are coming. Hoping & praying that this helps you buy your forever home :)

Games Night tonight, after which I'll put #s under 6 chairs for door prizes, then put the party favours at each seat. Pretty much finished decorating the hall. Our dinner's on 5. Dinner with Camping With New Friends is at noon, same day lol I'll be full of turkey that day, for sure!

Betty - if the motorhome is towed, it will be at his expense to a locked compound, so he'd have to pay again to get it towed to his place of choice. Not sure if he understands the implications, but I don't care.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon, dark sky but it’s 43 this afternoon, much the same for next 2 days but with rain.

Finally some good news for both of you Pat, please post link when it’s listed so we can have a peak.

Susan, you will be glad to have all of the community Christmas functions behind you. You are right, no longer your problem,, guess you should have it impounded before the snow comes and it not be able to be picked up. At least if you don’t have to look at it everyday it will help.

Jeff’s birthday today, I now have 2 -54 year old boys
headed into town at 8:30am and did the last of my Christmas shopping, other than food. Was told there was a big sale on j.j.’s , that is a laugh, know they are quality, but reg $54.99 with 20% off still to me is still to much but they didn’t have a lot and did have the sizes I needed so done, 9 pairs of jammies. Will spend afternoon filling in Christmas tag and filling with tissue.

Got home, had left-overs and got back into my nighty and on the couch, that is where e I sulk stay.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Betty, I am sorry to hear about your Aunt Muriel. What does you mother think about this.

I worked in the back landscape like an escaped monkey today. I needed to get everything cut back before the lawn people got here. I did the front on Tuesday afternoon before the garbage trucks got here and today I had cuttings scattered from one end of the back landscape to beyond the back of the pool. I have another small area in the back to do but the last time I tried to get up, I usually garden on my hands and knees, I had a very difficult time getting up. So I knew if I kept going, the next time I would not be able to get up. At least I am getting smarter.

It was a little windy but still in the high 50s. And I was working in the sun. I didn't start until 1:30 waiting for the sun to hit the back area.

Susan, you are one busy lady. I cannot understand why he would give you a Christmas card. Guilt probably.

Pat, moving and selling your home is so stressful. Hopefully it will go so smoothly, it will be like a walk in the park. Or like a toothache. You forget about it once it is over.

I got on here late and it is time to go to bed. And I find the black Christmas tree gross. And yes, very depressing. Hugs....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good morning. Just now beginning to snow. Don't know how much we will get. These old joints don't like this cold weather.

Thumbnail by taters55

Snowy weather, Linda Kay! Bundle up well.
Betty - how IS your mom taking Aunt Muriel's passing? They were pretty close, weren't they.

We're having pretty good weather. Good thing because we go carolling tonight lol
Got song sheets in page protectors, and lap quilts. Someone's going to drive us around on a flat bed, and we have a generator/amp/microphone so we can be heard better.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, 1/2 hour break until the girls come for sewing, they are always so chatty won’t be long and I will be wide awake.

Lordy Lindakay, I am adding todays forecast, hard to believe we are warmer than than you have a furnace? It’s the damp weather here as well that goes right to the bones.

Sharon one of these days you will not be able to get up, hope you have one of those systems on you that will get someone there in no time. Now can you tell me why we are so hard on our bodies, don’t think they were made to do the work we are doing.

The above was this morning

Here we go, last of the students for today just left, bath is running so you know won’t take me long to get comfy in bed, likely by 4:30pm

Started to rain just a tad this afternoon but not enough to say it was raining. How about you Dianne what is your weather like.

Victoria Harbour, ON

That sure sounds like fun Susan, nice weather helps.

Greg and his family as well as about 20 friends didcarolling but haven’t sincecovid, hopefully this Christmas they will

Victoria Harbour, ON

Found a photo

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Snow was gone by noon. Yes, the house is heated by natural gas. Very warm in the house.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, sandman missed me last night so up and at it is!

Not as mild, high of 28f with snow predicted later today.

Glad you are warm and have Lizzie to warm you up even more.

Took inventory of what I could do this morning that doesn’t take using my arms a lot, not much lol. So I will vacuum and wash basement floors.i will wait til 10 and call Jeff to see if he is coming up today which means I will cook his favourite, chickens and slidders,mid not i will get supper from Shannon’s next door.

Enjoy your day

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hope you don't get a lot of snow. Don't over do things.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Susan, here's hoping Bob gets his RV and junk. You will feel like a really FREE woman when that stuff is out of eyesight.

Linda, what is the status of your house? The ad went up Saturday morning.

Since the stay at Marie's is "temporary" I likely will continue to drive the 20 miles to go to my own church. I didn't think I wanted to attend "here" for maybe 2 or 3 months & then pack up and change churches again when we buy a house.

We got LOTS done yesterday. We were able to hire Marie's granddaughter for hauling stuff out to the conex and Marie & I disassembled 2 huge racks and a trundle bed. got all that hauled out to conex. Hopefully with 2 of working together Marie won't be so overwhelmed. We each got a load of stuff dropped off for donations. I have more drop offs scheduled for after church today.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Went to dog shows Friday and Saturday with one of the babies. She's not old enough for regular shows, but, this one had a "baby puppy" class for puppies under 6 months old. She was Reserve Best In Show puppy at both shows! I was shocked. A young girl who I met at shows earlier in the year was there and asked to show her, so I said yes. She did a great job, and said she would help me with showing in the future, if I like. Always good to have young people want to get involved and help us older folk!

Thumbnail by momcat
Victoria Harbour, ON

Deb that is quite the win and under 6 months, lots of ribbons ahead!congrats...

Lordy that young girl is quite young, aren’t you both lucky to have run into each other. Great experience for her.

Pat,did the house tour, beautiful, it shouldn’t be on the market for long. Did they stage or is it your own furniture? Sure shows the amount of work you put in these past months show. Still Marie’s place to get ready, big undertaking.

Had company, Jeff spent day with me, Suzanne and Sharon came for early supper, nice day. I will tell you, i could never had put those armatures for teddy bear together but Jeff worked a few hours and got it done, now i can stuff and he is ready for the Christmas bag.

Already in bed, hoping tomorrow is a productive day.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Everything is mine. The only thing I changed was switching to a smaller round table, changing out shower curtains and towels for boring all white. I did buy the white bird with greens in the hall bathroom and the white vase with greens in the master bedroom. I also switched out most curtains to all white. I would not normally go for white curtains ANYWHERE Stanley can get to them.
I did eliminate all end tables from the living room, nightstands out of 2 of the bedrooms, & lamps. I switched out a much smaller desk for my large teacher desk. I could NEVER use that small desk for long! I hate it! I moved OUT all of my fabric, cutting table etc. Who could live like that? LOL
Marie's is going to be a nightmare. I am not sure I will be able to help her without hurting her feelings. She has so much stuff she doesn't know what she has and this is especially true in the kitchen & frig. I hope we can sell my house, buy something and then literally go thru her house from top to bottom. Even then, it could be a struggle. She has 2 freezers full of frozen food. I will encourage her to prepare ALL her meals from out of those freezes buying ONLY fresh & dairy. Everything else should be out of the freezer. Maybe I am just weird. I strive to eat what I buy and not let anything go to waste. I cook according to what is in the frig & rarely have anything spoil. I cook & then freeze in portions. I don't want to "cook" every day but I am committed to eating healthy & can't afford fast food.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We haven't listed my house yet. I guess because it's 8 hours away, it will be a lot if back and forth driving. I just need to do it and get it done.
Good luck on your house pat.
Deb, congratulations on the dog show.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Linda, how close to being ready to being put up for sale is the house? Do you have a realtor chosen? It certainly is NO fun, that is for sure!

I am going to either rent a carpet shampooer or figure out the Kirby that Marie has. I meet up with a lady this afternoon to donate a bunch of stuff to her low-income housing clients. I pared down my cleaning supplies & the personal hygiene stuff I had in all 3 of my bathrooms. I always stocked extra new toothbrushes, body sponges, shampoo & conditioner, body wash etc in my 2 guest bathrooms in case someone forgot something. No sense storing all that. I'll decide what I need to replace when we get a house bought. I figure if I learned to have ONE bucket of cleaning supplies instead of a bucket under every sink it would certainly cut down on excess.

Victoria Harbour, ON

How on earth do we accumulate so much is beyond me. I’ve started to do that as well, but not easy, seems half the community keeps dropping things off, just got a bin and a bag today. I will go through it before it heads downstairs, garbage day pick up is tomorrow so i will sit after lunch and see what is in them.

Having leftovers for lunch and took out the frozen dough and made more slidders just incase Greg drops in to take left overs home.

Tad of snow this afternoon, I am tired and wanting to nap but Vanessa will be here in 1/2 hour so best I keep plugging.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Fabric given still sitting there, maybe once Vanessa leashes at 6:30 I can have a bath, get a hot chocolate and enjoy rummag8ng through all

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I hope younkept some of the goodies in the bag. I am goingbto sell the house as is. It needs a few repairs, and I am not going to mess with it. We have a friend that is a realtor, all I need to do is call him and he will take care of the rest. Taking photos, and getting it listed. I don't thinknit will take long to sell. Houses are in high demand in Del Rio.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Good idea Linda! I sold Othello as is & I never regretted it.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I hope you are all having a good weather, good health kind of day! I am not sure what projects Marie hopes to tackle today. I know she would like to put the Christmas tree up this week if possible. I'm OK with that if she can get some of this MESS out of here. I know her back is killing her.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon all, announced a weather warning this morning, wind was up and snow started to fall about noon, looked like we were in for it but an hour later it stopped, I am ok with that, shoulder and arms feel like they have started to heal so shovelling would have been good. Dianne, here is hoping you don’t get the storm, how is Chaos?

Lindakay, I think a lot of times selling as is results almost as profitable, am sure your realtor friend will help. I would say I got rid of 1/2 of it

Pat your are now living at Marie’s, don’t let her overwork you. Yep, Christmas is less than 2 weeks away, even putting just the Christmas tree would be nice.

Just need to do the mouth on teddy and he is ready. another sure I like him but I did try my best. The girls came this morning, won’t be back until after the new year. i thought they were going to come next week so didn’t gift shop for them and wouldn’t you know there were gifts being exchanged. Big sigh

Talked to mom for 1/4 hour, so hard when I’ve spoken to everyday, sometimes twice a day, really nothing to gab about.

Going to make a batch of cookies and treat myself to a hot chocolate then share with Giorgia who will be here at 4

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Weather was pretty nice today. 55. Predictions for this weekend are howling winds and up to a foot of snow Saturday and Sunday. We will see.

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