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General Discussion & Chat: Best, Worse, What did I learn today? Come take a chair and chat a bit! newcomers alway welcomed!, 1 by Bettypauze

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Photo of Best, Worse, What did I learn today? Come take a chair and chat a bit! newcomers alway welcomed!
Bettypauze wrote:
Morning, weather liars were at it again,I’m sitting here enjoying a hot chocolate seeing as we got quite a snow storm and Marie shovelled me out where Jules didn’t so I get not to rush out and get that snowblower out.

Kept waiting for a call to say Aunt Muriel passed but she is a fighter, could be some time.

Pat, once the house is listed you will have all the time in the world to rest, hope you take advantage of it.

Susan, think Bob is pressing all the buttons to see how long he can delay picking up rest of his belongings and knows full well you will save him the effort of getting rid of it. It will be interesting to see the reading of heart monitor after you being so energetic.

Pat,is Lizzie trying to be your bedmate yet?

Dianne, did you get this snow? Had hoped we would make it closer to Christmas that way our winter would only last about 3 months. How is Chaos.

Deb, you are in similar weather zones right, how is the snow situation going.

Well, i think the lower table might help so i took white fabric and sewed to top of pillow and sides then pulled it over the back, that helped, then i had bought at Dollarama One of those round pillows that have soft pebbles in it, was abl to further push it to front of pillow and think It will give me even more support, here is hoping.

My 10 year old sewer made a pair of curtains for her mom, she was so excited they turned out.
Saw this tree decorated with gifts, don’t know about you but kind of depressed me.

Want to be energetic today, young Ari comes at 3:30 so plenty of time to get something done but then the couch looks good,