How do I keep my fruit trees from critters!

Wondering how others are able to keep their fruit until ripe for picking? We have tried several home remedies including bar soap, human hair, noise, etc. This past season we got desperate and tried Repels All on the tree trunk with no luck. We have full grown apple, plum, peach, nectarine and pear trees and seldom get any fruit off the trees. Please help!

Protecting fruit trees from critters is crucial to ensure a bountiful harvest.
Here are some step which I used and I want to share with you to help you keep critters away from your fruit trees-

Install physical barriers such as fences or netting around your fruit trees. Make sure the fencing extends below ground to prevent burrowing animals from accessing the tree roots.
Use tree wraps to protect the lower part of the tree trunk from rodents and other small animals, especially in winter months when these creatures may seek shelter.
Remove fallen fruit promptly, as it can attract animals. Regularly clean up the area around the fruit trees to eliminate potential food sources.

Keep a close eye on your fruit trees for signs of critter damage. Early detection allows for prompt action before the problem escalates.

usa, United States

To protect your fruit trees, you can, for example, place pheromone traps in their immediate environment.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2023 10:14 AM

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