Sweet Autumn Clematis zone 8

Oakland, OR

I have moved and left my Sweet Autumn Clematis behind. I purchased a very small on online, and I’d like to know if it’s safe to plant it outside now. I would feel comfortable planting a larger plant, but this little guy is about 6 inches tall, very healthy looking.
I’m in western Oregon zone 8
Any ideas out there?
Thanks in advance!

Sedona, United States

Hi Shopgirl,
I'm in zone 8 and to be honest I wouldn't take the chance. I often order plants online a couple of times a year. And now that it's October it would have a really hard time getting established before it gets too cold. I always put the plants in my unheated greenhouse where it doesn't go below 50*. Or you might find a sunny but cool place to keep it indoors. Enjoy your plant.

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