accidentally cut stem on zucchini plant

Santa Rosa, CA(Zone 9b)

When my wife harvested a fruit from one of our zucchini plants Wednesday, she also cut the main stem too, below the flowering section.

Will this plant have any more fruit this season or should I just dig it up?

This was my best plant too, really bummed - mike

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Is it a vining variety?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

It is done at this point. Forgive her and think about a fall vegetable replacement. I know firsthand. My partner is a serial vegetable murderer. Consider twisting off zucchini and yellow squash fruits in the future.

Santa Rosa, CA(Zone 9b)

Cville_Gardener, it is not a vining variety.

MaypopLaurel, we normally do twist them off but after breaking off some of the fruit close to the stalk, I/we started using shears.

"serial vegetable murderer", now that's funny. I needed that.

I'm on the West Coast. What would you recommend for a replacement food producing fall crop?

Not to drift too far off course but I have planted zucchini in the same spots the last 3 years and they haven't done as well year over year. I suspect I should be rotating what I grow in these spots. Would tomatoes be a good rotation here?

If I am too far off topic, I can start a different/new post for this last question.

thanks all for your input.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Perhaps you can gift her a Swiss army pen knife. They're tiny and less less destructive. Maybe several as they are easily misplaced. Worked here.

Time to prepare spaces for fall vegetables here and where you are. I've started chard, late basil and dill. Planning cabbage, collards, mustard and short day onions. Raddishes and daikon in a few months. Maybe broccoli. I monitor rain predictions since fall is normally dry and I can't water daily. That will determine whether to go with seed or starts. Seed offers more options but needs daily watering. Starts are getting harder to find and not much savings over grocery store produce.

Santa Rosa, CA(Zone 9b)

FWIW - I didn't have the heart to dig up this plan and kept watering it. On the 11th of Aug I started getting flowers from the base of the plant and then fruit. Yesterday picked one and have a few more small ones starting.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


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