Best, Worse & what did I learn today?come sit and chat for awhile..newcomers always welcome!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us over

How are things going Lindakay and Karen? Including a prayer for you..

Bought some wooden this idea but it might be a tad too modern..yes or no??

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I don't know yet for sure. I thought I would use a chemical stripper on it to take the gloss off and then either use a primer or go straight to chalk paint. Undecided.

I don't think the circles would play friendly with your floral wallpaper border. But that's only my opinion.


Thank you, Betty. I got up this morning (slept in) and started my day with a jet tub bath - SO relaxing
I got a call from my daughter in Winnipeg, for my birthday & some birthday $ deposited in my bank, and a Blue Mountain card.
My friend Dianne is taking me out for early dinner in a town of my choosing. I chose the one just east of her - my fav small town, and at Harvest House restaurant.
Yes, Betty - I am occassionally pricking my finger lol

This message was edited Mar 11, 2023 1:56 PM

Verona, ON

Hi everyone I am finally back online. Something happened involving Zeke, my laptop on the bed and my hands inbetween them. Between Frank and his grandson Finn they got me up and running. Finn is 16 and drove his family out from Kingston for the first time today. The lane he said was fun but a bit scary.

Woo hoo Pat !!!

Zeke jumped out of an open window in the living room today then tore off up the lane. By the time I got the keys and hobbled into the Bronco he was back and had opened the front door. I've never had a Rotti so spicy. Although with my knee he hasn't been getting his long daily walks so has lots of energy to work off. We did doggie pushups every day plus several games requiring him to use his mind. Those use up lots of his energy. I'll make sure he gets out for a good long walk tomorrow.

Betty I am glad you set your doctor straight. That was no way to discuss what he perceived as your confusion not frustration.

Oh Pat I am so happy for you. Sending positive thoughts that all things go smoothly and the sale goes through with no hitches.

Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and Walt Karen. I am glad your daughter did come and get you.

Someone at the door. BBL

Victoria Harbour, ON

Pat, your projects always look so nice, am sure it will be lovely. Opps, did the piece belong in the family?

Holy wah Dianne, hope the window is on ground floor. Did the window have a screen? Zeke,Zeke, guess his way of saying I’m off for exercise, like it other not 😜

Great of your friends coming over to you get back online, was getting worried..are you getting around any better? Remember getting your drivers license, you would drive anyone anywhere. As for my Doctor, and this isn’t because I’m having mental issues, maybe I already posted but if I go look on previous thread I’ll lose my post, yesterday while shopping I went to pharmacy and asked my niece if they send med requisition to doctors for renewal, told her I would change pharmacy if they did and she said yes..we went on talking and she said there is only 1 of 3 doctors in region who will not go that route..if they did they couldn’t charge for a visit..she said your Dr. Is Dr. land right? He is one of 3.

Karen how are you and Walt doing?

Lindakay, weather warming up a tad, bet spending a tad out in the sun might be helping hubby?

Susan, I always love getting calls that $$$ have been put into my account, now you can get something special to spoil yourself. Sounds like a lovely place to have a birthday dinner.

Ziggy laying next to me, trying to tell me it’s bedtime..wonder if he will be confused with the time change?? Lol

Sharon landed an hour ago..she has been travelling 35 hours, another hour wait for the taxi service to pick her up then 3 hours home as they have quite a few drop offs. Said I would not call her over next few days as I know she will be on sleep overload.

Yikes I slept all afternoon, not good when I wanted to finish craft room..
I remembered a had one of those plastic bin holders..7 drawers in the closet of back bedroom with nothing in them so downstairs it went. Now roasting Italian meatballs for my spaghetti sauce.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I am happy to hear that Zeke took himself home, rascal!

No the armoires are just some I bought, nothing from family.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy birthday Susan. Sounds like you had a great day.
Todd is doing about the same. He has gained another 10 pounds, so that is good. His feet and legs are retaining water, so he is now on lasix.
Dianne, did you see a doctor about your knee?


Happy to hear that Todd is gaining weight!
Had a lovely dinner (S & P dry ribs) with Dianne (my friend) then to her place for cake & ice cream. She made a Keto chocolate cake, with maple walnut ice cream - YUM!
We played crib, then home for me.
Also talked to my sister (Winnipeg) this afternoon. I miss my family, but also appreciate my independance here lol

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, sunshine day here, another tease from Mother Nature.

Looked out at the gardens, terrible looking, some garden left out i,e, all of those metal art pieces and they look so tacky, big sigh, another month and the work begins, so many pretties under that snow.

That is good news that Todd has gained 10lbs, let’s hope that number keeps increasing. Has there been anything you can attribute the gain to?

Dianne, if your weather is as mine bet Zeke will get his long walk

Susan, sounds like a lovely birthday.clocks changed and now to more daylight.

Coffee finished, downstairs I do, likely take me all day to finish craft room get floors done..tomorrow will be the tool room. Wish i had storing for all the stained glass pieces as i will likely not going back doing more.

No time for sitting, best I hat a move on.


"by the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes"......... they forgot the rest of the fingers lol Almost finished the last of the blocks, then it's on to the sashing & borders. It WILL be done for Thurs. I strained my left thumb a bit, but I'm babying it and continue to quilt.

I decided what I'm going to do with my birthday $$ - I ordered a quilting walking foot from Amazon & it'll be here for March 22nd. Also, at the end of the month I'm going to get a companion budgie for Pixie. My DSIL thought of a name, too - Dixie. So, I'll have Pixie & Dixie (not the mice, the birds lol)

This message was edited Mar 12, 2023 6:31 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Sounds like you have a great plan for your birthday money.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Weather here was beautiful. No wind and a high of 68. Went to my daughter's for Sunday dinner and GSIL made home made ravioli. She had a nice salad, so I took the salad, placed a chicken breast on top of salad, and then two ravioli and some of the sun dried tomato sauce the chicken was cooked in and it made a wonderful salad. It was still light after dinner due to the time change, so we sat outside and watched the great grand babies play. We eat at 5pm because a 3 year old and 1 year old do not do well waiting for dinner. And their bed time is 7pm, so that leaves time after dinner for a little visiting.

Susan, sounds like a nice dinner and then ice cream and cake. What a nice friend. Good idea on getting your bird friend a new mate

Betty, you will be starting soon what I have been working on for two months.

Linda, so pleased Todd is gaining weight. How is your weather?

Time for me to go to bed. Trying to stay on the same schedule. Maye I will be able to get up earlier.

Hugs to al of you.


Not a "mate" as such - both will be males. Female budgies are pretty territorial (aw heck, I mean vicious!). They will block a male from eating & starve him to death. So, 2 males I will have. Pixie's blue, and I'm going to get a green one.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Our weather is beautiful. It was in the 90's last week. This week on the cooler side. Mid 70's to 90. They are predicting a cold front this coming weekend with 47 for the high on Saturday.

Verona, ON

It's damp here with a wet snow. You too Betty ?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, light snow..Marie has already been here to get back area and around my car done…getting anxious for spring days like Sharon has..65-70°F is perfect weather for me.

Sharon is on her way to Barrie for MRI, had I not had Vanessa here at 9am-11am I would have gone with her.

Love hearing birds in the house, lucky you and great names Susan but with Ziggy not a good idea..i do have a standing bird cage out on back deck and have a motion switch that the bird chirps when someone is nearby. When you get your walking foot play with it for awhile till you are comfy with end result.

Karen, mixing you, all ok with you and Walt?

Sun is warm coming through front window so i will make myself comfy and have a nap..

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Sharon's MRI, was this long planned? Is she OK? I did I forget a post?

Tonight I pick up a green real leather couch & loveseat. I have been checking out the furniture ads for a month or longer, figuring out what I want. I could not believe it when I saw the ad for this couch & loveseat, they are real leather & both recline..... for $150! I will hire my neighbor teens and get it tonight. My appointment is for 5.15 and it's less than 1/2 mile from my house. It will need to be stored in my garage until after A&A move out at closing. I have already been out there moving stuff to make room. In the end, I MIGHT not keep both pieces, we'll see. Even if I don't, it is a heck of a bargain and just what I was looking for. I am giddy with excitement! I made Rice Krispies treats for the guys to go with the pay! (they frequently refuse pay & I want to ready!)

I went to storage and retrieved some dresses I stored, most fit now and I can sort out the too big ones. .

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

I haven't been feeling the best for a while, sleeping a lot and a very painful tummy. I thought maybe it was bloat from gas so I bought Gas-Ex but a few days of that brought no relief. I then realized I felt a bit better for a while if I ate a little food. I started thinking about what I had going on and my though finally came to maybe I have an ulcer. Doing some investigating and experimenting with what I was eating and it convinced me I was on the right track. After some online investigating, I think I am correct. I called the office of the Gastro who did my last EGD. I had gotten a message that he would be changing offices soon. I explained my situation and it was agreed I was probabably on the right track. I asked if there was a Dr. I could get an appointment with as soon as possible. She checked and I have one for tomorrow at 3: in the afternoon. Really shocked me but I'm ever so glad. The sooner I can get started on meds for this the better. It really is quite painful.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sorry to hear you are so unwell Karen, here is hoping that your appointment tomorrow will give some answers. How is Walt doing, bet both are concerned for each you have family dropping in on a regular basis.

Pat that sounds like a real bargain, can see you jumping up and down from excitement. When will the house be checked over for defects? $$ are arranged right, that part can’t fall through. I so pray you won’t be diss appointed... the boys will love your squares for sure

As for Sharon it was arranged before she went away..dealing with her tremors.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I think the inspection was Saturday. The financial part, although preapproved, can always fall apart. Because the home owner is assisting with the cost of the closing, if the house doesn't appraise high enough, it could cause problems. They have an agreement to cover some of the potential contingencies but it is NOT a done deal, until it is DONE and 3 days have passed. People have been known to bow out, sucks but that is life.

I am glad to hear you got an appointment so fast Karen. I am sorry you are struggling.

With luck Sharon will get easy answers from the MRI with her tremors.

Susan, I thought the MALES fought! Good thing I have nothing to do with birds, I am clueless!

Linda, do they have Todd weighing daily? Monitoring the water retention?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Great deal on your furniture Pat. His legs just started swelling last week. Dr. Has him on Lasix. Will follow up in 2 weeks. He weighs himself when he has a doctor's appointment.


Hurray for your "find" Pat! getting excited? Of course you are lol
Nope, google it - female budgies should be on their own, in a separate cage.
Males will learn to talk, but it's rare for females to talk.

Betty - you'd love to hear & see Pixie. He often bobs his head to the music and dances. He not only chirps, he "trills". He's one happy little bird :) Hope he'll be happy with a buddy.

I have my quilt all quilted, and now just whip stitching the top edge. Then I'll make a label for it, citing Silver Willow Senior Citizen's Society that it was gotten from.

This message was edited Mar 13, 2023 7:57 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

My purchases, stored in garage, it was raining when we went and got them. They need to be cleaned up after being in the truck & rain. Not blemish on them.

Thumbnail by psychw2
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

They look very comfortable

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Marie called, Phil knees buckled while transferring from bed to wheelchair, and he went to the floor. She called EMTs and they got him up and out to her car. She took him to MD appointment and is going to see if she can get him into a rehab.


oh my........ poor Marie & Phil. He must have been so frightened, falling like that. She can't be lifting him, obviously, so something needs to be done. Prayers for them both.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Marie was going to ask Knights of Columbus if they have a Hoyer to loan. I recommended she not do that. I asked her to review the things we talked about, when it was time for Phil to get full time care, out of home. I expressed my concerns about her health and safety. I also admitted that "time for a Hoyer" had been my self-imposed limitation in regard to Ben remaining at home.

For those that might not know, a Hoyer is a lift system to enable someone to transfer someone else from one position to another, like off the bed into the wheelchair or into the shower. .Marie has back issues AND hand problems, not a stellar combination to be handling someone in a Hoyer.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Xrays show Phil broke his leg & the films look like the break starts above the artificial knee and goes THRU the knee and below. Marie has not been able to see the orthopedic MD yet, he never showed up at hospital.


OUCH! poor Phil
The Dr never showed up? What's up with that? I can see why Marie shouldn't be helping with a Hoyer

Verona, ON

Oh no Pat !! That is devastating news. Maybe I shouldn't have read this just before I am off to Napanee for x-rays on my bum knee. I already had a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Sending positive thoughts and prayers.

Betty how is the pain level today ?

Need to show and get on the road.


(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Marie left the hospital at 10 PM, I have not heard from her yet this morning (it's 11 AM here). I hope that means she slept in. She has not had a decent/full night's sleep in months. Between Phil needing her to assist during the night & keeping her awake with his pain. I am very concerned about HER health. I hope they plan a stay in rehab after the hospitalization and allow Marie to catch up on her sleep.

I bought a dining room table last night.... the garage is getting full!! LOL I'm still looking for twin size bookcase headboard.

Victoria Harbour, ON


I so pray Marie can get some help for Phyl, help before she injures herself and will be of no help to neither of them.
Good luck with X-rays Dianne then the wait for results.must go see a map of how far Napanee is to me.know I’ve been, likely half way mark between you and I.

As for my pain level I think I am doing very well, of course I do so little that i am not aggravating much, must say I really am watching everything I do. My problem will be getting referral for injections. Then comes gardening…oh oh

Karen how did you make out yesterday?

Pat, that couch set is luxurious, can hear your mind going a mile a minute mentally arranging in your head all the changes you will make.

I had a morning class, 13 +1 parent doing the craft..didn’t take them long so the made Pom poms, added eyes, inner outer ears and eyes all went home happy

I have 2 classes tomorrow and one Sunday..think Monday I’m going with Sharon to Barrie shopping.

Will take advantage of this afternoon for a nap, guess cleaning craft room and a craft morning did me in..but first a hot bowl of the soup I made yesterday to warm me up.

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Pat, praying your garage is is weather proof, so your furniture doesn't get wet if it rains.
Dianne, sounds like you had a long way to drive. Hope you get some answers soon.
Betty, those kids look very happy with thier projects.
Hope to hear from Karen soon.

Verona, ON

Betty your craft room is very warm and inviting.

Didn't make it to Napanee. Slipped in the shower and you can guess the rest.

Zeke and Chaos are out walking with Jen, Hailey, Piper and Nyla. 2 Rottis and 2 Chocolate Labs - what a sight.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear about your fall Dianne. Praying you didn't injure your knee or anything else.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

I did like the Dr. I saw yesterday. My appt. was at 3 and I didn't see her until well after 4. I asked the receptionist if there was a problem and she said well you can't go in until the room is empty. Might be some logic there somewhere. Dr. didn't seem to think I have an ulcer. She decided to have me test for something called SIBO, I never heard of, They sent me home with a box of test tubes, a straw and some stuff to drink. I had to fast for 12 hours, blow into the 1st test tube for 5 seconds, cap and lable it then, then drink (fortunately the stuff had no flavor)wait 15 minutes, blow into next tube label and close. Repeat every 15 minutes until all 10 are done. Package and ship off vis UPS. It can take up to 2 weeks for results. Dr also wanted ultra sound, that's not scheduled until April 10'th. Before then I should have results of test. Dr should call. That should decide whether I still need the ultra sound. If I still need it, I won't see Dr. again until April 25. This is so crazy. How can a Dr. leave a person in pain all this time. I asked about pain and all she said was to double my dose of Omaprazole. I have been taking it for years I don't see how more is going to help. I called today to see if there was something else that would help. Receptionist just said ..didn't you tell the Dr.? I said yes but got no response. Honestly she was saying so much to me so fast I was very confused. I'll wait one more day and then call back for something that will help. I honestly do not understand how someone can be left in pain for so long. This could go on for another month and a half.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

After listening to all of you and your experience with your Doctors, I am so pleased I have no real pain. That would be terrible to go to the doctor in pain and leave in pain.

Pat that sofa will be wonderful. And with your talent, you will have it looking great.

Betty, those bunnies you helped the students put together, are wonderful.

Karen, Dianne and Betty, I pray your pain will diminish and you will feel fantastic.

We have had rain for two days. Just a light rain but we will take all we can get. My home town, that is up in the mountains near the Utah border, is getting a deluge and high warning for flooding.


Dianne - sorry to hear about your fall. In such a tight space, did you twist yourself in the fall, or hit your head?
Betty - your body is still telling you to rest, rest, rest!

Almost ready for my presiding over the AGM tomorrow. So much to keep track of and do. Now, I'm trying to find the programs that I printed up. I have no more paper, so can't reprint them. Finished the quilt, and got 11 "baby" pictures of people. Some are up to age 6 - nothing earlier for some. One had a house fire when he was young & no pictures survived. Ah well, glad I have 11. Now for the "finishing touches" to the hall lol I think I have pretty much everything done. Getting excited & anxious lol Along with the Grow Young theme, we have St Patrick's Day the next day, so there will be some of those decorations, too.
Fun, fun, fun!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, still dark outside, calling for rain, hope not as it will make for a muddy entrance area.

Oh my Dianne, hope you are none for worse after your fall, was it due getting in/out.. will you have a long wait for next appointment…great that there are a friends who will walk the dogs for you…big sigh!

Karen, sorry you are going through so many hoops to get rid of your frustrating to keep pushing on when so sick..been several years things are getting worse Re my pain, it seems you use last of your energy trying to get doctor on same page as you, take a few steps forward then 10 steps behind..

Know where you come from, sure is a downer..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Karen, it sounds like what Todd is going through. Take these pills, wait for MRI, then wait to get results... very frustrating for sure.

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