Water tank question

Cockeysville, MD

Hi my awesome son built a greenhouse for us.I have 2 water tanks for future needs .they had vinegar in them ,came from a baker.I filled them about 3 weeks ago . They are now growing a scum and are greenish in color .Is this safe for future watering ? Is there something I can do to correct this without draining them? I live in md.zone7a and it's been warm ,inside greenhouse temperatures up to 100 or more during the sunny days plan on using drip lines when it becomes to cold to use outside hose .thanks

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Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Algae requires water, carbon dioxide and light to photosynthesize. Eliminate the light and you will eliminate the problem. Empty and clean tank. Refill and tarp. Secure base with bungee cord.

Edited to add you will wreck your drip lines if you try to irrigate with that water. The tanks should be very clean before thinking about using them. Also, if you tarp and kill the algae and use that water you will be using putrifying plant material on your plants. A bad idea altogether.

This message was edited Oct 30, 2021 4:58 PM

Cockeysville, MD

Ok, at this point is there any danger to the plants if I use the water.i notice the picture I posted looks a great deal greener then it is ,but there is a whitish scum on top of water. Thank you for your help I'm new to the water tanks

Cockeysville, MD

Ok read the second part of message I will drain and clean and tarp .thank you

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Your son has given you a wonderful gift. Use it well.. This greenhouse will be a learning experience for you (as the first ones are for most of us). Is there anything other than 6mm plastic to get you through a Maryland winter? How is air being circulated? Is there a ventilation system? How are you monitoring humidity?

Looks like you have greens seedlings on the bench? Is that mulch srrounding the trays?

Cockeysville, MD

Hi well I used to have 2 quitents back in the day.the first was a 10×20 really didn't put a huge amount of effort into it directly planted in ground didn't even remember if I watered ,was blown away by how much veg I got in md over the winter ,and so began the search .we found this frame ,as you can see it's a high tower.covered with 6mm plastic 2 5 ft doors in front 1 4 ft door in back on opposite corners we also have roll up sides but haven't completed them yet .we got polyfastner for the connection of plastic to frame .it's awesome material which is a way better choice then any aluminum channel and a wiggle wire style .we don't do aluminum anything anyway so finding this product in the USA was a godsend .it's available at northern greenhouse 2043275540.my son is a welder and other than the frame he designed and built the rest .it definitely gets steamy if the sun is out and beating on it .I open the doors if it gets to hot, at this point though the weather if changing so it will be interesting to see how the temperature is over winter. I'm direct planting in garden soil bags and eventually when it becomes to cold for water to run I'll use the tanks either for a pull in a pitcher or drip line. I emptied one tank yesterday and I'm going to empty the other one today ,then pressure wash with bleach and refill .yes I'm in awe every time I enter my new home. It's awesome and I love it .so far im mainly growing alot of greens and winter hardy cruciferous type veg ,also onion garlic shallot ,herbs potatoes in containers some additional containers of tomato, cakes I'm starting some lettuce which I'll move into bag/beds when a little bigger .the peppers aren't finished yet so they are still in ground. We put up plastic first weekend in October then cardboard base and 6,000 lbs mulch .I wasn't trying to have grass and weed maintenance. We have lived here for 44 years and never used pesticides so I'm so grateful for my little piece of organic heaven but I didn't want to deal with grass maintenance so we mulched then directly planted on bags for now .I grew up on a 54 acre farm. Always loved playing in the dirt and always will also I have my flowers of course. Some marigolds, nasturtium zinnias pansies some beauty from God .btw do you think silver reflective tarp will keep out algae? Also have you ever used hydrogen peroxide in with water tank? Sorry for the long post but that's basically my story.thank you for your help as well ,yea that water definitely had to go it was nasty.take care happy gardening

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Phew! That's a lot to digest. In response to several comments and questions...

I use and like Northern Greenhouse as well as Gardener's Supply for products that are difficult to find locally. I currently use UV 6 mil as an underliner with poly carb on my GH and Aluminet mesh on the roof in summer. Also order Agribon row covers for the vegetable garden from one or the other. I can grow outdoors what you are growing under your tunnel through December.

I've had different types of greenhouses over the years but have grown species orchids most of my life and find conditions needed for other plants don't work for orchids.They are soilless, need high humidty and constantly circulating air. Hoyas seem to fit. I have a solarium for more typical houseplant tropicals and skylights throughout the house. That said, I grew up in South Florida and making my house look like a Miami yard is not so interesting to me.

A black tarp would work best in your situation. A reflective tarp will keep the tank water cold. Switch to reflective once the weather gets hot. I'm not sure how you are going to transfer water from outside to inside. Usually water is kept in a secondary inside tank to warm to the same temp as the plants. Consider moving one of your two tnks into the tunnel. Transferring cold water from outside will shock even cool growing plants sitting in that warmer tunnel. There are some inexpensive RV pump options available for moving water. I have hot and cold water in my GH so I've not needed these options but I have explored the idea of pumping water from my pond to holding tanks for my kitchen garden. As for the greenhouse, I have used misters on timers but currently hand spray. Fans are on continuously, humidity maintained at 50-75% and heat that goes on if the temperature goes below 55 degrees.

I have used peroxide as a disinfectant but don't use it routinely. It should not be necessary if you properly tarp your tank.

CountryGardens is market grower here and has tons of experience with in ground tunnel growing. He grows beautiful produce this way. Maybe reach out to him through private DMail, if he does not see your post, for in ground tunnel advice. I can only offer general advice.

Cockeysville, MD

Wow you really do huge gardening!! Well I have the water tanks cleaned with bleach and pressure washed ,refilled and used silver reflective tarps which were double folded and bungee corded they are inside the greenhouse so temperatures aren't going to be to far off from the greenhouse .Well we had an unseasonably cold week and free standing summer plants I tried to start all froze:) The only plants that were not effected are in the bags on the mulch and they are all winter hardy greens so hopefully they will thrive .Happy gardening to you and thanks for all your help and advice

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