Red bugs on Sunstruck

Vergennes, VT

I have a Sunstruck plant that looked like the first picture 3 years ago, but this year it has been attacked by the red bugs in the second picture. What can I do to save this plant and prevent future infestation? (I prefer preventative measures to killing the invaders.)

- Jeff

Thumbnail by JJeffH Thumbnail by JJeffH
Castro Valley, CA

I have never seen red aphids before but have seen a billion yellow ones and sadly killed them all!!

They come in lots of colors!!

I love the red ones though. Your photo is such a clear one too.

I bet they are as easy to get rid off as the yellow ones. I would have a strong water spray on them, maybe use my fingers to squash them off if I caught them early. If not, I would use a tablespoon or a bit less of Palmolive in a hand sprayer of water and spray them. Then rinse the bush later.

Ladybugs love them but I never seemed to have any when I needed them. I tried buying them a few times to no avail. I think I read they never stay where you set them free.

I have read, if you leave the aphids alone long enough, the ladybugs will finally find them. But they multiply so fast, your little plant will be covered in no time.

BTW, are those leaves supposed to look like that? Could be a sign of a lack of nutrient. Maybe iron. Iron chlorosis

Edited to add: LOL I had to look up your plant to check the leaves. I am now in love.

This message was edited Sep 20, 2021 11:18 AM

Vergennes, VT

Thanks, ZilyZily. Great answer. I've let it go too long (and sadly, no hungry ladybugs have come by). If I do kill the aphids, do you think I can save the plant by cutting it to the ground?

Castro Valley, CA

Heavens no, do not cut that beautiful plant down.

Aphids are easy to get rid off. They do tend to reappear but you just shush them away with water or if too many spray it with that Palmolive water mixture. Any aphids hit, it will kill them almost instantly. I think the soap strips their skin of something and they dry out. I could be lying about that last part. I do know that when I would go back to check on them, they are tiny dead black specks. I then would wash the plant well with water to rid it of the soap and aphid residue and I would think I was also diluting the soap enough so if it might harm my soil it was now very diluted. Though mind you, I never read you need to wash the soap/water off the leaves, I just do it because it made sense to me.

Vergennes, VT

Ok. Thanks again for your excellent input.

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