Septic/ leachfield planting help needed.

Scarborough, ME

I'm trying to find native plants or non-invasive plants, to plant over a raised leach field /septic system. Zone 4-5, drought tolerant, full sun, not deer candy. Pure sand (1 1/2' -2' deep?) with 2" topsoil, until I can build it up. It'll be hard to mow due to steep edges. I'm having a hard time finding the root depth on possible plants. Winecup, wild bergamot, coreopsis, have been suggested. If anyone can give me root depth info on these or have any other suggestions I'd really appreciate it. I have strawberries, rudebekia, coneflower, artemesia so far and I do have rose campion that is taking over my abandoned garden so I'm assuming it might do well but I'm concerned about it spreading out of the area and into my pasture. Any thoughts are appreciated!

Thumbnail by maine4me

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