Maybe a dumb questuin !

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Long story !--- I am an elderly gardener with over 50 years of dirt digging behind me ! I grow practically everything, with emphasis on veggies & herbs. I have some professional grower experience, but want ask about calcium. I bought a big container of Calcium carbonate to take for osteoarthrotis- they are WAY too Big to swallow! Can someone tell me if I can use them to add calcium to megarden, especially for tomatoes- I've read that calcium deficiency can cause blossom end rot (I seldom see that in my garden) If I grind the tablets and sprinkle over the area, would it be beneficial? I hate to just throw them away. I'll appreciate all suggestions- thanks-Jo

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi, Jo! I remember you've been vegetable gardening here for years. Not garden related, but maybe try citrus calcium which is kinder on the stomach and usually has scored tablets that can be broken in half.

Calcium deficiency in plants (such as blossom end rot in vegetables) is usually not soil related. It has more to do with weather conditions; especially periods of heavy rain. When plant roots become waterlogged they can't efficiently uptake calcium even though it's there in the soil. Calcium soil additives are slow which is why eggshells, etc. aren't a quick cure. Caroline Male tried to educate people about old wives' cures for BER for years. The topic came up as soon as fruit started setting. While early vegetables can have problems and suddenly stop, leading gardeners to think a supplement was needed, it's because we usually move into dryer weather as the growing season progresses. Unless a soil test shows there is a calcium deficiency it is not needed.

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Hi Maypop and thanks- I have ordered some CitraCal petites from Amazon. Is it Ok if I send you a Dmail and chat a bit?

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

I don't have an actual problem in my soil- it's just that I hate to throw anything away if it has any use !

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, of course you may DM.

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