SOLVED: What is the name of this houseplant that creates a knob above the soil?

Portland, OR

Hello everyone, I rooted a leaf of this plant but I don't know it's name. Its parent plant had a hard brown knobby structure slightly above the soil line from which the leaves emanate. This new plant seems to be creating that knob (see leaves at the base - these eventually turn brown as they become part of the structure). Leaves are forked when older, somewhat fuzzy... If anyone knows please tell me. I tried google image search but that yielded nothing.

Thumbnail by rachel87 Thumbnail by rachel87
Castro Valley, CA

It is a staghorn fern, a Platycerium species. Maybe Platycerium bifurcatum which is a common one. That is the shield and it will grow new ones as the old ones age and dry out.

Portland, OR

Thank you ZilyZily!

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