I\'ve inherited 2 polytunnels in Scotland... help?!

Acharacle, United Kingdom

Hi all

I've worked for several years growing specimen trees in New Zealand... At 26 this experience was so amazing and I learnt many native trees and was inspired to pursue a career to do with nature and horticulture.

However - my partner and I have come back home to the UK and found a job working on an island in the Scottish Highlands. As a Southerner this is a far cry from where I grew up, and I've never had much experience of UK gardening anyway!

My issue is this... as the most 'garden-y' person on our small team I've been given the task of reviving two dilapidated polytunnels as an interest point and source of food. I've never grown food before. I've never worked in a polytunnel before. I've never lived in Scotland before!

These tunnels are half poly half shade cloth, which is my first stumbling block - my thermometer reads the same 9 degrees C in and out of the tunnels. So what was the logic with the shade cloth? Should I immediately rip it out and install more poly?

One is also extremely water logged, so I am planning on raised beds.... But beyond this a bit overwhelmed. Any tips or advice would be extremely appreciated!!!

All the best,


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