A Hopper

Yumbo, Colombia

What might this be?

Thumbnail by PitterCol
Minot, ND

About how long was it? Resembles a pygmy locust (Tettrigidae), but I need to study it further. Unfortunately, I'm rather busy at the moment.

Yumbo, Colombia

About 1.5 cm. Thank you/

Minot, ND

At that size, definitely a pygmy locust. In my haste, I misspelled the family name; it should be Tetrigidae. And as in so many other instances, I have been unable to locate a comprehensive treatment of this family in Colombia. These are very interesting creatures; I see an occasional specimen here.

This message was edited Oct 28, 2020 7:42 AM

Yumbo, Colombia

Excellent, thank you very much.

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