Spider ID - South Carolina

Blythewood, SC

Hi! I have literally at least 50 of these guys on my front porch. They have spun webs hanging from the ceiling. Not sure if this picture is clear enough. I’ll try another if not. They are HUGE!!

Blythewood, SC


Thumbnail by SkipToMyLou
Minot, ND

About all I can tell from this image is that it is a harmless orb weaver (family Araneidae). One possibility is something in the genus Larinioides - see https://pbase.com/tmurray74/image/102493591 for an example.

Blythewood, SC

Quote from Flapdoodle :
About all I can tell from this image is that it is a harmless orb weaver (family Araneidae). One possibility is something in the genus Larinioides - see https://pbase.com/tmurray74/image/102493591 for an example.

That does look very similar! Thank you!

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