Best/Worse/What did I learn today?come sit a spell, Fall is in the air..come sit a spell..


Hi - on the run this morning - work, doncha know?!?!

I see that there's no President elected in the US yet........ wow - tight race!

Take care everyone & have a wonderfully blessed day 💖

Victoria Harbour, ON

Waving as you run by Susan, enjoy your day..

Got side tracked, hungry for sweets, made an apple pie

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Pie looks good.
Sad to say we have to wait for at least 10 more days before we find out who won. Several states somehow changed laws, and are allowing 10 days for mail in ballots to arrive and be counted.
I am working on the baby onsies quilt. I have them all cut and ironed in place. Starting to stitch around them. Just going to take some time.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

I truly was hoping this presidential election would be over and decided when I got up this morning. Unfortunately, I do not align with some VERY outspoken members of my family so I have avoided all discussions. They don't have a clue of my personal feelings. It feels a little dishonest to have not shared with them my opinions, but it would only stir up bad feelings, I'd rather not.

Today I hope to get first denim quilt tops DONE and get the 2nd at least laid out. I had wanted to put their names of the quilts and THOUGHT I had located my fusible webbing to bond the fabric letters to denim, WRONG!!! It was a different product and I used (and ruined) it. OH well... I got it figured out eventually. Now to do a decorative blanket stitch around it. I have already stitched it down. I have been distracted and not sewing the past few days or I'd be a LOT further along than I am!! .

Victoria Harbour, ON

Best everyone’s ballots be counted regardless which side they are for..
Haven’t been watching, just getting updates from friends and family that know my views..

ate my Kentucky fried chicken, drats, found the couch, could so nap , sun feels so nice..promised myself I’d get all the dusting, vacuuming and floors washed, only half way, wish I was as productive as you are Lindakay, isn’t the fabric you make onesies with difficult to work with?


Hi - I think it's odd that to go to the voting booths, you need to provide all sorts of ID, but anyone can send a ballot through the mail and there's no proof of who you are?!?! Tell me how this is right.
Ten more days? Longest election I'd ever heard of. I suppose there were longer ones, but I don't know about them.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susan, I agree. Our voting system needs be fixed. It shouldn't be allowed that way. All of the states that changed this are democratic states. And everyone of them now have law suits against them.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful day here, if we can get to end of month without snow staying it sure will make for a shorter winter..

Susan we have the same here, thanks God, look at all the Canadians in armed forces, workers who have to be in other countries, thank god they are allowed to vote..that I’d support big time

Verona, ON

63* here. I'm loving it.

I used the leaf blower for a couple of hours but the wind picked up so I stopped. I still have about another hour left if the wind hasn't undone everything.

Pat how is Stanley doing ? I love his name.

Stay safe and well/

Victoria Harbour, ON

Having same weather here Dianne..ray who does my leaved rode his commercial leaf mower Saturday and go a truck full, however when he started to do the leafs from the Darren’s it was blowing right back in the gardens so he gave up hoping to be back this weekend..think Monday they say low 70’s..just don’t want wind!

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Stanley has me wrapped firmly around his robust furry little body!!! I was reflecting last night just how fast he can go from asking for "just a pet" to being nestled across my chest, wrapped up in a ball with his face in my hand. It is AMAZING!! LOL, I never see it coming until I realize I am again holding a sleeping cat!!

He hops up on my cutting table and begs for a pet. I pet him, he stretches and turns, then plops against me and starts twisting his head and body until he has his face turned into my hand, his back firmly against my chest. I pet and snuggle him, push him into the center of the table to go back to work and the whole cycle repeats.

Yesterday I pushed him into the 3rd bathroom so I could safely go in and out of the front door with the cart. I decided while I was out there I'd sweep the walk. Next thing I knew, he was standing up on his hind legs, looking out the storm glass door. He had gotten the sliding pocket door open and let himself out of the bathroom. Guess if I want him to STAY in a bathroom for more than a minute or two, I'm going to have to take him to a door that LATCHES tight from the outside!!! I put him on a leash and took him outside with me.

I was reading up on the mail in ballot and the delays and it makes more sense to me now. With COVID, many, MANY more people did mail in ballots that normal. Many states would not allow the counting of the mail in ballots until election day - perfect LATE making storm!

I was up late (or should I say EARLY since it was after 3AM) working on the 2nd denim quilt top. I hope to have the top pieced today. I had completed the "name block" when I did the first one and had already began to think about the construction of this one, so it's going faster. I take on these crazy projects and then ask myself WHY can't I just put a simple block top together? When it's just 9x 9 denim blocks, and the blocks are cut out, I can layout sew and serge the whole 72 x 90 top in 3 hours.

Marie went to the thrift store and came back with at least 20 more jeans and denim yardage!!! LOL... I wonder how many denim quilts she thinks I'm going to make!!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh Pat, aren’t you pleased that you got Stanley? I’m amazed how often we talk to have me laughing, I have a barn style door to my craft room, just slides and as you say, Ziggy has learned that if he keep pushing with his nose he can open it...Stanley did get out awhile back didn’t he but came home..

Holy wah Pat, that is some serger was a waste of $$$, bought many years ago and never used fact last week I asked Melanie if she wanted it now that she is sewing and she said ‘no thank you’ maybe she will change her mind,,next time she comes to sew I’ll get her on it.

Got a spool if green thread, $4.00 for a mini one, all they had..wanted a container of peroxide to rust some bells, attendant sent me to the pharmacy, apparently everyone is buying out peroxide and bottle of alcohol so they keep them on shelf behind pharmacy and only allow 1 per person..imagine

This message was edited Nov 5, 2020 12:42 PM

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Yes, Stanley has gotten out a couple of times. Each time he has come back, but meanwhile I am a mess!! One time is was nearly 24 hours. The most recent was about 3 hours. If the little monster came when I called, I probably would be more apt to let him out, but he ONLY comes when it suits him.

I am VERY glad I got him. It does make going away for a few days more expensive and complicated, and I hate to leave him. He is such a social kitty, I know that even though I pay the neighbor to come and feed him & play with him twice a day, he gets awfully lonely. If my oldest son's cats were more social and friendly, I would TRY the 4 hour trip with Stanley. Alas, Dana's cat is territorial and it would be a miserable visit for all concerned!

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

This is my son's cat. He got out last May. They were heart broken and posted notices all over. Last Sunday they saw him at a neighbors. Monday my son went down and talked to them. Evidently the little stinker has been there the entire time. He's back home now. Eating practically non stop.

Thumbnail by siliolegma
Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg Karen, they are lucky they were willing to give him back, bet they are sad!

My Riley that used to leave every Friday and come back Monday I’m sure stayed with a cottage, am sure he went home with them..

I always had mom to look after animals when I went away but she is too old to expect her to look after Ziggy, besides if he didn’t come home one night she would be out looking for him.

Are you feeling better Karen?

Meant to ask Lindakay, how did the quilt show go?

I feel 10 lbs lighter now that I had my hair cut

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

I feel really good now Betty. As quickly as I got sick, it lasted for months. Suddenly one day I just felt better.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I know that feeling, glad you are on the up..likely you are sewing? This is your 2nd winter living south right..time goes by so quickly..several years ago when I was in the hospital all the time, same thing happened, one day it was gone. I did give up a lot of fat foods though..did notice though that I bought a healthy meal of Kentucky fried chicken and tummy was queezy last 2 days..although it’s my favourite, I’ll have to change to Swiss chalet. While in town I saw they finally put a sign for the store they’ve been building all summer its the New Orleans chicken franchise, forget the name.

So dark out, could feel the temps drop so I climbed into bed, nice and comfy!

Again 5hat is great news about you feeling better

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Quilt show is still going on. They will be on display for 2 more weeks.
Glad to hear your cat was found Karen.
Betty, is the chicken place called Popeyes?
I have all the onsies cut and fusible webbing on the back. Makes it so much easier to sew.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Never thought about fusible webbing..does it come off you have a photo
Are they for selling at fabric shop as well?

Yes, Popeyes, think most of their chicken is spicy as well

I don’t know how so many food places are opening?

In my group of family and acquaintances all but a few are working, lots from home, guess they have $$$ for eats

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sunshine day out there..not the best of days

Melanie called me first think this morning to ask if I heard the explosion and did bother me..didn’t hear a think..toad closed off on park st and my street, pizza palace exploded, didn’t hear if anyone got hurt as it’s usually closed at that time of night,
Police and fire department are investigating, people give their rumours but until I hear the outcome I’ll say not a word.

Mom dropped her dog off while her and aunt Muriel went to midland shopping..I decided I’d ask them to stay for supper and started to make stuffed green peppers. Took everything out of the oven, I keep plastic container of Ziggy’s food in oven, forgot the lid

Managed without burning myself to pull tefflon sheet out into the zinc..used water, that was a Nono but knew enough to stay away, yikes likely ruined my zinc..

Turned stove off, when all cools down I’ll have a cleaning job ahead of me

Glad temps are warm, need floors open, burnt plastic doesn’t smell good..

Knew I could smell something, guess I thought it was from next door...N O T

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Eeeeeeeeeeewwww nasty burned plastic smell. Sorry to hear that.

Youngest, Adam & wife offered to pick me from my car appointment & go to Costco. They bought groceries etc. We got back home and Adam discovered their tire was ruined and all the tire places closed. They had a month's worth of the groceries in the car. I sent them home with my car, it was raining & trying to get groceries home (2 hours away) in the truck would have been a nightmare.

I'm STILL working on the 2nd denim quilt top. Closer to done. It would be easier if the cat would quit "helping me". One of these days I am afraid he will get cut with the rotary blade.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Betty. That smell is so hard to get rid off. I have done that.
Photo is what I use to iron on the back of the onsies. Makes it much easier to work with.

Thumbnail by taters55
Victoria Harbour, ON

Smells terrible, soon time to close doors and windows as temperature is dropping. Sorry to hear about vehicle problems, always happens at the most inopportune time.must be hard working with jeans, only time I did was when we were making jackets with scenes on are brave taking on 2

I will have to look for a product that is similar Lindakay, have you used it on anything else?

We are on a new page, not sure if I told you about all the todo re pizza palace beside me, police forensic is there taking finger prints..apparently someone broke 8n and put a pipe or smoke bomb, thus the explosion..police have made neighbours across street on same gas line go stay somewhere else incase of gas surprised I wasn’t one of them.

I too was ambitious earlier but resting on the couch, all this to do has plum tired me out, on good side potatoes/stuffed peppers are ready, supper for today and tomorrow is done.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hard to believe you didn't hear that explosion. Was anyone hurt?
I have used that on the back of applique quilts as well. Keeps the pieces from moving around.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Talked online to a few machine embroiderers and am going to try a different way of hooping today and see if it works better for me. Trying to think of a way to keep the hoop from separating when I have to remove from the machine to trim. The towels are so heavy, they are hard to control. Might try a couple paper clamps and see if that helps.

Victoria Harbour, ON

No didn’t hear it..they say it was a meteor, can that possibly be so?

Karen, you know that rubber shelf liner, open grid like, I’ve heard it works wonders

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh my! A meteor? Glad it didn't hit your home. That was. Too close for comfort.

Karen, I hope your new technique works for you.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Ok, what am missing here? I thought Betty said the police think it was arson next door with the pizza place. Meteor? How does that fit in? Or was it a typo "amateur" I am soooo confused! LOL

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Lots of family drama and uncertainty. My son Adam & wife just got EVICTION notice from the state home they are been leasing as part of her job as a ranger. Then an hour later, a phone call profusely apologizing for the eviction letter and a promise to talk to them on Monday. WHAT? Andrea LOVES the job but has been totally unprepared for the political BS that a state job involves.

Meanwhile, I think it would be smart on my part to prepare for the worst. Having all of them moved in with me would not be my first choice, but but they may not have many options. They have court in 2 weeks again with Sam's dad. This housing situation will not be a favorable thing!

Victoria Harbour, ON

I find that highly sustpect Lindakay, don’t know of anyone who has been hit..p
Area was so busy today, the were taking down trees. Across the street, I understand they will be started building homes soon, then police the other side of me..all the truck going up to seniors complex for paving..had old fashion breakfast, got to be the fat that is getting to tummy, feel nauseated again..

If it weren’t for the company tonight to watch Caleb’s performance think I’d be in bed..

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

The clamps didn't work but I tried hooping a different way and it worked well. I tried floating the towel and it was great.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wonderful, what did you embroider?
What is your favourite embroidery design place you purchase from

Family just left

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

So far I have only bought from Juju as they have had what I wanted. I've looked at a few others also for future projects.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I make sure now that I only buy from sites that keep your bought designs .,have ordered many from others that once you download they are lost so if you misplace memory stick all is lost

I’ve over 100 of juju and heading that way with Etsy..they have some nice ones

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Juju has a sale going in right now.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

I had ordered quite a few from Juju to do the bath wraps and they gave me a ton more. Some I might use but probably most will not.

Victoria Harbour, ON

What a beautiful day,working on finishing a piece then think I will roll up front deck rug then wash the patio furniture, when ray did the eaves through lot of dirt fell and some blew on the deck, glass top coffee of good wash.

Juju is great with offering package designs..they have one set that have Floridian Santa’s I.e Santa laying 9n a bee pack etc..would love to do Darlene and John a quilt,with the. We get so many ideas and want to do but doing is another thing.

Will bring in a few more Xmas totes...

Find the living room tv is a little on large side but Jeff seems to think it’s perfect so best I be appreciative.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Made a few free standing lace ornaments today. I'm very happy with them Will post pics when I get a few more done.
I'm waiting on stabilizer so cannot do towels right now.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I have seen those, and I think they are beautiful. I haven't tried it yet.
Can't wait to see them.

Maryville, TN(Zone 7a)

Linda I think they are the easiest thing I've done so far. Great tutorials on you tube.

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