Fern Leaf Peony Struggles

Des Moines, IA

Hello, friends. This is my first time posting. I am new to gardening and have had some troubles as a beginner.

I planted this fern leaf Peony about 5-6 weeks ago and it looked good for a few weeks until it suddenly began to change. It started developing a brown color on the stem and just within the last week, all of the leaves have started to shrivel and turn brown as well. I was hoping that someone with knowledge of this plant or this issue would be able to help me resolve it. I have done several Google searches, none in which have helped me a whole lot. I am just hoping that it isn't dying. They are expensive plants and I don't want to see it suffer.

This particular plant is special to me as I just lost my cat back in March. Her name was Fern. I planted it as a memorial for her.

Thank you in advance for any and all responses.


This message was edited Jul 10, 2020 7:03 PM

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