Garden Structures Inquires

London, United Kingdom


My name is Miriam and I am planning on producing a garden shed/home to make better use of the space it occupies and it can be used for storage or relaxation purposes. I had a few questions for whoever is willing to help me collect some information and research regarding garden structures and some details about them. Whether you personally own a garden shed or you have extended knowledge/information about garden structures, any response and information is appreciated and helpful!

1) How large is your garden structure?

2) What do you use the structure for? (Eg. relaxation, hobby, greenhouse, storage, etc.)

3) What material/s is your structure made from? Metal, plastic, glass and/or wood?

4) Where did you buy your structure from? (Eg. online, in-store, friend, etc.) If online and in-store, which store/online shop was it?

4) How often do you use your garden structure? (Eg. every day, once/twice a week, once a month, etc.)

5) How often do you need to perform maintenance on your structure? What sort of maintenance is required?

6) Do you have a foundation under your garden structure? If so, how deep does it extend? Did you need a planning permission for it?

7) Where is your structure located? (Eg. in your backyard, a rented plot of land, etc.)

8) Do you secure your garden structure? If so, how? (Eg. with a padlock, pin-pad lock, door handle with keyhole etc.)

9) Have you experienced any break-ins to your garden structures? If so, how many throughout the period you have had your shed?

10) Are there any problems experienced with your garden structure that you believe is not considered enough? (Eg. leakages, structurally unstable, etc.)

Additional question:

12) Around about how expensive was your structure?

13) Is there anything you wish your garden structure could have or do that comes already with the structure? (Eg. self-irrigation system, shelving units/storage systems, etc.)

I am thankful to anyone who is willing to take the time to answer these question and help me perform detailed research!

Thank you and have a wonderful day/evening wherever you may be,

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