Help my basil are droopy

San Antonio, TX

I began my indoor basil plants as seedlings exactly two months ago. They were moved to a single pot one month ago. Today i tried giving my basil plants a little more space by separating the bunch into individual pots with the same type of soil. I also raised their grow light about 10 inches higher (versus right in their face). The two photos were taken only two hours apart. Every single plant became droopy and they look like they are about to die. Is there anything we can do for them or is it RIP in peace basil plants?

Thumbnail by Basil_911 Thumbnail by Basil_911
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

So just today you uprooted them and separated them? Looks like they went into shock. Did you tear some of the roots off? Is the potting soil wet?

The plant is unable to drink enough water from either the roots being disturbed or being broken off. They could recover on their own if there are still enough roots left. You could move them out of the sun and spritz the leaves (not the soil) a few times a day and see if they perk up.

If the soil is wet, do not water again until dry. Adding more water to already wet soil will just rot them. It will not help them absorb more water. In fact, plants will often droop when there is too much water for it rots the roots which decreases the amount of water a plant can absorb thru its root system.

You could trim the tops off by half, stick those cuttings in water to root. This will cut down on the amount of water needed for the plant is smaller. In bonsai, when you trim the roots, you must also trim the plant the same amount.

Or you can take a clear plastic bag, run some water in it, shake the water out, leaving just drops on the sides. Place the pot in the clear plastic bag, close the bag tight. This makes a little greenhouse and the plant will absorb some moisture thru its leaves. Do not put the bagged pot in hot sun for it could steam it dead. BTW, moving the plant out of sun till they recover will lessen the stress on them. After they perk up for a few days you can take them out of the plastic.

This is really the wrong time of year for all this. The plant is telling itself to slow down for winter or in this case with basil, it is getting the message to set seed. If it does put out buds, immediately clip them off.

That soil does not look great to me though hard to tell from here. You should not move them again when stressed but I always like a loose soil.

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