I'm online!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Just dancing about here. I'm online again! Had my computer repaired - there was a problem with the cable supplying the power. Got that fixed. Tried my old Freeserve connection. Hopeless. So got myself a WHSmith disk and voila! I'm online again!!!!

This message was edited Saturday, Dec 8th 5:30 PM

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

yea!! It's great to see you again!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yeah, it's just great to be back online. I kept in touch through the computers at uni but it just wasn't the same.
HELLO everyone!!!!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Northener, i am on BT Anytime which is 14.99p a month,if you are with WHSmith dont you have to pay by the minute, i used to be on it and never had a problem but when this offer came from BT i joined up.Hows Uni going? Sheila

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Uni's stressful. It's a very intensive course. We're all counting the weeks. Literally. However, people are starting to talk about their plans for when they finish the course and what they'll be doingg next year. At the moment I'm trying to finish off an assignment due in on Wednesday, creating a database for a Paint factory. So it's going to be beddybyebyes in a couple of minutes here...

I think the package I have with WHSmith is fairly newish. I've opted for their flatrate package. £12.99 a month and unlimited access. Sounds like you could save a couple of pounds by using this package. No problems so far. It's a much better deal than Freeserve which was pay as you go - flatrate's better for me. I think Freeserve have different packages now but they were extremely slow by the end.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi, I opted for an aol package, someone recommended it said that they,d never had any problems with it, never disconnected, so I went with that. Guess what!ever since, I have awful problems getting disconnected , problems connecting, wish I hadn,t bothered. Problem is ,I can,t tell Hubby, cos it took me ages to persuede him to let me have this ! I can,t tell him that it,s naff LOL. I used to use lineone which was taken over by Tiscali,wish I,d stuck with them.
Changing tack completely ,everyone else ready for the merry season?My sis took me out in her car today shopping, that is the first time I,d been in our town for months,and, boy, hadn,t it changed.There were phone shops everywhere LOL.Enough to supply everyone with at least 10 mobiles each.and they were all doing a roaring trade.Am I the only human on this planet without one? I was given one last year ,but never seemed to be able to fathom it !!!!!! so I gave up.But I did manage to collect a lot of pressies, never done my shopping in such a rush before.She wanted to take me in the wheelchair, but I wasn,t having that ,mind you, we could have done with it to carry all the bags :-}Poor sis was staggering under mounds of carriers.
Got to go now to wrap some of them, before little fingers get busy, prying where they shouldn,t be.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

A friend recommended AOL to me as well, but I tried it earlier and it was a pain in the neck. AOL software just isn't very compatible woth other brands.

I've got a mobile phone somewhere. Bought it after I was mugged. Never got round to using it.

I haven't even got round to writing my cards yet, but wrote a Christmas letter, word-processed it, to go inside my cards. Hmmm, you don't think that's a bit naff do you?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

no, that,s not naff.What my daughter says is naff though is my obsession with putting up more and more outside christmas lights !!!!!!!! She cringes every time someone brings her home in the car, and has to admit that the house festooned with lights is ours ROLF.When my dad died last year just before Christmas,he left me and my sisters a little bit of money each, and I decided I was going to buy some of those twinkly dangly lights that hang from the house eaves.They were dirt cheap to buy from an American site on line. Trouble was it cost me more for postage, and when they were delivered here, the delivery guy asked for £.24.00 for tax or something similar. Then I found out to use them I had to buy a step down transformer, and with that I could only use one set as they were motion lights and you can,t connect the sets!!!!!!!!!!! So a box of 11 sets of lights sit staring at me in the bedroom !still the one set out looks good.(i think so anyway ,even if my family do moan at me )I bought the lights because my mum and dad both loved Christmas, the brighter and gaudier the better, so I like to think of them, sat up there with their g&t,s enjoying the show.
I,m off now to do a few more cards, it,s strange really because each year I end up with some left in my box that never seem to get sent, I,ve never yet managed to get all my cards out, should save them ready written for next year I suppose.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

What a lovely way to remember your Mum and Dad. My Dad passed away two years ago (tomorrow is the anniversary of his death) and I haven't really done any Memorial apart from the obvious erecting a headstone. I'd thought of having a rose named after him but it's pretty expensive and I've nowhere to plant roses at the moment.

Your lights sound lovely! I'd thought of buying some for the outside of my home as well but the elctrician explained it to me and I cound't get the gist of what he meant so it's just going to have to wait another year. My Christmases are still low-level and not very celebratry. I suppose it just takes time.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well my daughters fellow is an electrician but i dont go in for outdoor christmas lights at all,a couple of neighbours have been putting them up all over, but here is the crunch i have never spoken to them and i dont even know their names, and after being here for over 4 years i find it very strange still they might think its us thats strange. No Phillip is good for doing me some good lighting in the house, i love my living room lights which has 3 bulb holders and a fan all-inclusive, hes put me lights outside so i can even garden in the dark, well its great for collecting the snails and slugs at night and they are good security for outside.In the summer evenings if its warm, its nice to sit outside with a cuppa too.

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