Saving Bean seeds

Lancaster, CA

Hi All,

Some of my beans weren't ready (yellowing pods but no sign of actually drying) for saving when we had our first frost warning.

I yank entire plants and hung them to continue drying in the garage.

Question: How likely are my resultant seeds to be viable?
The seeds were definitly fully formed but were showing NO sign of beginning to dry. I will do germination tests regardless for my own info but I'm impatient and would like a hint, if anyone has experience with this problem.


Liberal, OR(Zone 8b)

Hi Chris,

If the plants and pods were fully mature, especially if they were yellowing, you will likely have good germination rates. I don't have hard data for you, just personal experience.

I have had to harvest early like you mentioned but in my case due to rain (it starts molding and rotting the seed). I have had no trouble as long as they are mature.

I dry the seeds in the pods, shell the beans and get them somewhere (top of the refrigerator is a favorite spot) to finish drying. They should be dry enough to shatter when struck with a hammer. Then place them in a jar and freeze for 24 hours to kill any pests. Then I would do the germ test.

Let me know how it goes.


Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Mike's right, Chris,

Once the seeds are fully formed, and the pods start to turn color, the seed will be viable. Most authorities recommend in cases like yours that you pull the entire plant and hang it upside down (roots up) until the pods dry.

But Bill Best, at the Sustainable Mountain Ag. Center just piles them up and they dry just fine. Sharon Vadas, out in Colorado, does the same thing. So hanging the plants may not be necessary.

Lancaster, CA

Thanks Guys,

That was what I was hoping to hear. Thank you for the input. I'll let you know my germination rate when I get that far.


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