Helleborus Orientalis details from English gardeners wanted

hi - I am in the process of building a database of all hellebore species/cultivars/named specimens/important strains. I am particularly interested in trying to list all orientalis named plants/strains. Some have obviously dissapeared off the face of the earth,RHS Plantfinder etc ! whilst others may be so rare than few examples exist.
I would be interested to know if you (or any of your gardening colleagues) have any details of cultivars/named plants/important strains which :

(a) you grow/used to grow in your garden
(b) have read about/seen at other gardens
(c) are available at your local nursery etc.

I am only after brief details - if anyone is interested,IF YOU COULD PLEASE E-MAIL ME DIRECT and I will e-mail you back a simple Microsoft Word sheet with the (brief) kind of details I am after.

many thanks in anticipation !!



Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Hello Richard.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yeah, Hi Richard!!

anticipation being the operative word here !!!


Don't get your hopes up - this isn't going to be a very helpful reply.

But - I did get some fresh seeds of separate colours of Helleborus orientalis last year, so the trader obviously grew them. They didn't have names, but if you like I can tell you where I got the seeds and you can get in touch with her. E-mail me if that would be any help.

Anticipation is the mother of ... disappointment?

Aliso Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

H x hybridus 'Pluto'
H x h 'Little Black'
H x h 'Gunther Jurgl'
H niger 'Potter's Wheel'
H niger 'White Magic'
H x ericsmithii
H x nigercors
H niger
H argutifolius
H lividus
H x sternii
H torquatus

There are lots more!


Richmond Hill, GA(Zone 8b)

Hi Richard! Welcome to DG. :)


they have now been re-classified as helleborus hybridus - that'll spring you all into action no doubt!!!


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hi Richard

a couple of my gardening friends have huge collections of Hellebores which are just coming into flower. This is too late for me to take slides as I'm off this sunday on my hols. they have flowers from white to almost black and many of their own seedlings.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Richard - try this site:-


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