Heirloom, Hybrid, Open pollinated, Organic..

Castlewood, VA

Hello, I am a new member. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this forum.

I have just started gardening for my family's health and for the environment. I find it confusing as to what type of plant and seeds are best for both. On top of that, many seed companies do not label the products at all, or do so improperly.

I want to use heirloom as much as possible. I know that bees do not like to pollinate a lot of hybrid flowers.

I believe that seed companies should be made to to label either heirloom or hybrid, but instead they use terms like "organic", which I believe is more of a sales ploy (since most seed companies do not use pesticide).

It seems to me that it would be best if there were a standard labeling policy or code throughout the industry... plus better information on the stand-ups (such as what these terms mean, etc.).
I plan to contact my congress rep and would like your thoughts on this.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

My thoughts would begin with the recommendation that you invest in some classes in plant biology. You have made statements in your post that don't match with facts.

Included in your statements seem to be either a misunderstanding or an ignorance of what food plants are and where they have come from. A very simple example is your use of "heirloom" versus "hybrid". These are not opposing terms, though there are people who erroneously believe that this is so.

Knowledge first. Then, advocate for better information for the public, and better practice in whatever way you choose to apply it.

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