Moving to a house with a 1 acre lot

Rockford, IL

If all goes as expected, I'll be moving from a small city lot with nothing but grass, to a 1 acre lot with all sorts of trees (including peach, pear, and birch), flowers, bushes (including raspberry and blackberry and a couple hundred feet of what I believe to be spirea wedding flower bushes). Anyway, I know next to nothing about caring for all of this and hope to be able to identify and get information on everything from this forum. So, thanks in advance.....and be patient with this newbie. (apologies for the upside down photo - I tried rotating it 180 degrees and uploading it again, but got the same result)


This message was edited Feb 3, 2019 12:01 PM

Thumbnail by Webbie1 Thumbnail by Webbie1 Thumbnail by Webbie1 Thumbnail by Webbie1 Thumbnail by Webbie1
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Lucky you! Your yard looks so nice.

I think most people will find it hard to ID your trees from the photos. It is helpful to take photos of the leaves close up, of a branch so you can see their placement, the trunk to see the bark, any berries, seed pods or flowers as well as a close on of the entire tree.

I think the white one is Bridal Wreath Spiraea, Spiraea prunifolia too. Though hard to be sure from a distance. This entry will tell you a bit about it as well as close ups to double check your tentative ID.

Here is your photo turned rightside up.

Have fun in your new home!

Thumbnail by Kell

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