Vine for hot west wall in Atlanta area

Hampton, GA(Zone 7b)

Looking for a vine that will grow up a white brick wall on the west side of my house. Want something that will cling to wall, preferably-----but it doesn't have to. Just having a hard time finding something that will take the hot afternoon sun in the South. Zone 8. Does anyone know if Cross vine/Bignonia capreolata will do the trick? Thanks in advance for any help.

(Zone 8a)

How about Ivy or do you want something that blooms? Ivy is evergreen and pretty leaves...

Hampton, GA(Zone 7b)

I tried ivy, but it is too hot for it to grow there. I do have ivy growing up my north wall, but it doesn't get as much sun as my west wall.Any other ideas? Something that will take lots of heat and sun. Thanks.

Could try a Jasmine. But yes, I have a Cross-vine in full sun here in Texas and it also gets very hot here. Just keep it watered and the leaves stay green during the winter. Also a Hyacinth Bean,or a Scarlet Runner Bean.

Hampton, GA(Zone 7b)

Coco, thanks. Don't want jasmine or an annual.........think I will try a crossvine! It clings to the wall with no help, right?

yes they do. They will cling to anything and everything. It will bloom in the spring and early summer and good for hummingbirds. Very easy to care for. You will have to do some staining to get it going,but after that,it will just take off.

Got this information for you from DG plant database. Would have done the Hyperlink but haven't been able to catch onto that yet so that is why I done it this way. Hope this extra information helps you out some.

Classification: Vines and Climbers
Family: Bignoniaceae
Genus: Bignonia
Species: capreolata (syn.Doxantha capreolata)

The Details::

Height: 30-40 ft. (9-12 m)
Spacing: 9-12 in. (22-30 cm)
Hardy from USDA Zone 6 to USDA Zone 9
Light requirements: Sun to Partial Shade
Moisture Requirements: Requires consistently moist soil; do not let dry out between waterings
Blooming Time: Early
Bloom Color: yellow/orange
Pronunciation: Not Specified
This plant is considered to be invasive.
This plant is attractive to butterflies, birds, or bees
General Description (By mystic)
This is a fast-growing,high-climbing woody vine with opposite,compound leaves having just two leaflets that are 3"-5" long with a long slender tendril between them.The trumpet-shaped,fragrant flowers,are red-brown on the outside and yellow-orange on the inside.They are 2-3 inches long and in clusters of 2-5.You can plant at the base of trees as it searches for the sunlight.It spreads by root sprouting and can become invasive.The vines name comes from the fact that if you cut a stem you will see a cross in the cut stem.Hummingbirds love this vine.

Hampton, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all the info, Coco! The only drawback seems to be that it needs constant moisture. What do you mean when you say I will have to do some "staining" to get it going? (I haven't figured out hyperlinks either.) Thanks so much. Jane

Sorry my mistake. It's not staining.It's training the vine. Is the vine going to be right up against the house? If so no problem,the vines will take hold. If it is going to be out and way from the house a bit,then you will need something for the vine to start clinging to,like some sort of trellis.
Sorry about the mistake earlier. After awhile my eyes start to get tired and then my keyboard starts making these terrible typing errors.

Hampton, GA(Zone 7b)

I thought maybe it was a typo, but couldn't figure out what you might have meant. My silly keyboard does that too! Thanks again.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Lacemosaic, Honeybee lives in MS & uses Air Potato to cover & cool her greenhouse. We grow it @ the Farm (I work on a treefarm) on our vine fence & it survives the hot Texas sun. Only drawback is no flowers but to see "taters" hanging fr a vine is a trip. Beautiful heart shaped leaves.

Hampton, GA(Zone 7b) this vine evergreen? Do you know the scientific name?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Lace, it dies back to the ground @ the Farm in Houston. It grows very fast though.
The botanical is Dioscorea bulbifera.

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