Looking for a few good mentha

Kensington, NY

Actually I want only one mint - -a short guy, since I want a mowing free front yard.
one that can tolerate both sun and shade,
one that can does not need daily watering if we get into a dry spell of more than a week....(Brooklyn, New York is in the NorthEast or the Mid Atlantic depending on how you look at it, I am in zone 7-A.)
and most important, a mint that can act as a gound-cover, happily spreading in my
high PH, clay soil. I am willing to remediate to get it started, as long as it gets and stays hardy after a few months of TLC . My front yard has no room for brats.

I have been searching the Plant Files for anything under 6 inches in the way of a mint, but the only ones I have found seem to need warm climes, peat soil, water every day, all sun or all shade.
Any suggestions?
Heather Y.

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