Basil downy mildew!!

Fort Myers, FL

I just planted a basil in a rectangular pot-thing along with a rosemary a few months ago..... it was thriving for a while, when it was suddenly infected with (what I'm pretty sure is) basil downy mildew (it had the powdery-gray specks on the underside of all its leaves, and now they've all fallen off to leave just the stems)! I live in South Florida, where it's unfortunately always hot and humid. So, what I am wondering now is what to do with the plant and the soil. I am confused, because I read on one website that you should throw out all the soil from the infected plant, yet another site said there is no need to! If I were to leave the soil and just plant something else (like chives), would that be fine? Can basil downy mildew infect any other plant other than basil??

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