white and dying tomatoes

Great Barrington, MA

we planted tomato, jalapeno, squash, cucumber, and onion seedlings.
all were doing well indoors.
then, the squash and cucumber began to turn white and whither.
all of the other plants began to follow suit. later we planted eggplants and they too are dying.
i'm not sure if they were watered too much, started indoors too early, or have powdery mildew.
now all that remains is the jalapenos and the tomatoes which are in the pictures, along with the dying eggplants. i'm trying to keep them alive, but am considering getting rid of them...

Thumbnail by Zacharythelost Thumbnail by Zacharythelost Thumbnail by Zacharythelost Thumbnail by Zacharythelost
Lynnwood, WA

it looks a though you may have mites. As for the wilting, it could be fusarium or verticillium. I would make sure to dispose of those plants and soil. In addition, make sure you clean the tray with a bleach solution 10 water to 1 bleach and that all soil particles are removed

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