How long does it take for spider plant babies to grow roots?

Dorset, United Kingdom

Hi, this spider plant has produced a few 'baby' spiders. How long does it take for the roots to develop? It seems to be growing bigger and bigger, but there are no roots so far. Thanks :)

Thumbnail by Camilla1991 Thumbnail by Camilla1991
Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

It won't grow roots for awhile, but if you set the new baby on soil, they develop faster, then you can cut the umbilical cord. Most folks just let the babies float for a year. The main plant roots will eat the dirt in the pot with them and outgrow it fast, as it gets rootbound the babies get ready to root and grow away.

Dorset, United Kingdom

Due to the leaves becoming so long, I have noticed a couple of the leaves developing a bend or curve in them. Is this normal? Is there anyway to prevent this?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Prob normal, but I am not getting a visual on this bend

Dorset, United Kingdom

I have since straightened it by pressing the edges together and it seems to be holding up now. I have had the window open today so perhaps the wind caught it :-)

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

It is normal for leaves to flip in humidity, my tomatoes do the same thing here where my Low humidity of 50% highs of 98% is normal.

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