Pittosporum Disease

Shreveport, LA

I'm located in Northwest, Louisiana. My pittosporums (I think that's what they are) look terrible! They they get yellow spots, turn fully yellow or brown, then die. I don't think it's a watering issue, but they do receive full sun. Please help. Thanks!

Thumbnail by kumpfman Thumbnail by kumpfman
Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi. I am so sorry that you are struggling with your plants.

Have a look at this. It's for Florida, which has a similar climate, and it mentions some of the symptoms that you seeing.

It sounds like you will need to do prevent diseases by spraying in the future. Probably with a fungicide. I perform preventative spraying (once a month) on my neighbor's phlox, which is not disease resistant, as well as roses prone to blackspot.

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