Dwarf Tomatoes

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I heard on "Growing a Greener World" there are Dwarf Tomatoes out there that are suppose to be fairly productive. The guy that reported this was the guy that developed Cherokee Purple.
Does anyone grow these and if so, what kind of success have you had?
I think they are trying to grow dwarf tomatoes because peoples' gardens are getting smaller.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

The Dwarf Tomato Project has been developing new varieties for several years. Here is a description of their effort:

And here is an interview with Craig about the DTP

Many suppliers sell seeds for these. Here are a few for you to check out.



There are many more articles about the DTM you can find by searching the web.
I'm growing five dwarf varieties this year, with mixed results because of a rainy summer.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Don,
I'll check these out.
Also, thanks for your report on growing the dwarf tomatoes. Did they fare as well as some of the other hybrid or heirlooms you grew?

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Yes, both dwarf and taller heirlooms seem equally affected by whatever is laying waste to my tomatoes this year. Dwarves do have the advantage that supporting them is easier (althouigh many have sturdy tree-like stems, they still need support). One dwarf, Husky Cherry Red (two plants. 5ft tall), is so far minimally affected by disease and is also a very heavy producer.

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