New hostas

Roslyn, United States

Please hostas were beautiful when I put them in in May . I don't know what happened to them but it's not slugs . I have four plants next to each other and this only happened to two plants. the leaves look like they burned up. Slug be gone goes down every couple of weeks. Sorry for the upside down photos but I think you get the gist of it .

This message was edited Aug 25, 2017 6:43 PM

Thumbnail by joelcoqui Thumbnail by joelcoqui
Lynnwood, WA

Hello there Roslyn as in Washington? If so, what kind of sun exposure are your hostas getting throughout the day? It looks as though the sun may be too much, but let me know what they are getting in a day

Sherman Oaks, CA

Hostas are not heat tolerant. You might want to move them to a location where they can get cool morning sun.

Roslyn, United States

I left them in the ground. Let's see what happens to them this year. They are in Morning Sun and in full shade by 11 a.m.

Lynnwood, WA

Based on the pictures, it looks as though the brown leaves and the old flower stem are from earlier in the season and there is nice new growth emerging from the center. Did you break up the root mass when planting? is the soil heavy in that area? Is that a location where water drains to?

Roslyn, United States

It gets mostly dappled sun in the morning to shade in the afternoon.

This message was edited May 3, 2019 4:10 PM

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