what is eating my new clematis montana?

Deventer, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

Something is eating all the leaves starting from the top! Which makes me think it is not slug or snail. What could it be and any tips on how to save my very young clematis?
I have it climbing strings to lead it to dead branches and a tree that I want it to climb. One photo is two weeks ago. The totally leafless stem is from now (after two weeks absence and having put Escargo and coffee grounds around the base, in case it were snails. The pictures need to be turned 1/4 clockwise - it doesn't work for me.

Thumbnail by narmaj Thumbnail by narmaj
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Looks like it could be earwig damage. They're only active at night.

Deventer, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

Thank you Cvlle. Didn't know they ate plants! I there any way of saving my clematis that you know of?

Lynnwood, WA

Ear wigs? that seems hard to believe. I would guess that it is either a beetle or caterpillar like larvae of some sort. In either case, you may want to go out at night with flashlight and a box top, place the box top on the ground and flash the light on the plant to see if you get anything. Alternatively, you could coat the plant with a soapy water mixture to see if that might thwart their eating efforts. curiously yours

Deventer, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

Thank you Handroanthus, This seems more feasible to me too. Unbelievably this clematis lived to see this spring and started growing leaves again, and again it's being eaten, whilst the other 3 I have in that area or being left alone! I will try the soap thing. I've put a double "slug fence" around it, but no results yet.

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